Is it normal for a 16 year old to vomit on her 1st/2nd day of her period?

Because that is what usually happen to me. And the cramps that I get are dreadful. They say that after your fist child the cramps will start to be in motion away. Is that true or false. and suggestions?

Is this Bad?

I used to vomit regularly on the first or second day of my spell. The cramps were severe and eventually I a moment ago puked everywhere.

The puking waned first, immediately I never do it (knock on wood). The last time I puked I be ~19 or 20. Then the cramps started getting better and in a minute are only desperate every other month, but bearable enough to move about to work/school/whatever. (Hint: pop Advil or Tylenol before cramps inaugurate, at the first sign of blood, and take regularly according to the directions. They maintain cramps from coming and it is much more effective than trying to catch rid of them!)

I can't speak on periods after kids - I never have any.

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visit your doctor or Planned Parenthood. while it may be usual for you, it doesn't sound pleasant.

I am 5 ft. 7 contained by. and i am 15 yrs. old, and i want to grow to be 6 ft. or 6"1.?

As I get older, my cramps clearly got better. Once contained by a while it is bad but zilch compared to highschool period days.

No spell for 3 months is there something wrong near me?

I don't trust anything that can bleed for 7 days and not die.

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Try to steal ibuprofen when the cramps start. Ask your doctor for a proper dosage. I take 600 mg, but I am 30. It will peroxide up the bleeding and cramps.

Having kids only made it worse for me...took almost a year to find back to usual.

Does anyone suffer from Fybromyalgia? Not sure if the spelling is correct. If so what are some of the symptoms

Yeah I've heard that as economically, but since I don't have a child I wouldn't know. As for your strain have you tried term pain tablets? they work a treat for me Can't live minus them. If you have tried them and they don't work for you later I suggest you visit your Doc, you shouldn't enjoy to deal near so much paid that it make you sick. Good luck.

Menstrual period and Clindamycin?


I imagine I am pregnant , this will be my third child and my husband and I had already settled we dont want mor

Tori, See a Doctor . Vomiting and period are not connected. My suggestion, confer to yr Doctor and listen to her.

Missed period situation.?

No that's not commonplace, visit the doctor, and i don't chew over the cramps will ever leave. i merely think that the throbbing from giving birth will overcome the pain of a cramp. So i suggest you trademark an appointment with your doctor right very soon.

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Only to some people it happen but not to everyone because everybody doesn't come on their period atall until their approaching in their 20's or so. and some come on their interval for only two or three days so it's not to articulate who's period does what.and after you enjoy your first child not always. I have my daugter at 16 and i'm 17 so nothing change really but i can't tellyou because again everybody's cycle is not the same.

Does any1 know what is expect by " Mo contan toi"?

They do to a certain extent (go away after your first child). But since you are one and only 16 hopefully your first child is a long way stale. Aleve is good to help yourself to,(it's an anti-inflammatory) but you have to whip it as soon as you feel them coming on. And rest, that is to say the only piece that used to get rid of them for me. The more I excercised the worse they get. Excersice is really good for you and you should go and get as much of it as you can, but if it doesn't make you quality good while you are on your extent then don't do it consequently. My friend eats crystallized ginger when she have cramps and that helps her. And a heat pad help. Good luck, I hope something helps.

Do you own any tips for preventing yeast infections?

I went through one and the same thing surrounded by my teens. It was HORRIBLE... and sorry to inform you but mine never get better and my daughter is 16 months old. BUT I own endometriosis (internal problems)... You may have one and the same thing... I significantly recommend going to see a gyno for a proper diagnosis. It's better to go sooner than later too because when I go, I found out I would likely merely be able to conceive for 2 more years (at the time). I be told elective surgery can help this.

What is the longest you own gone without your extent, after the pill?

yes nausea and vomiting can happen during your length and is quit normal. hormones can produce very strange things arise to our bodies. so you have zilch to worry just about. and as for cramps ive found out that the worse my stress is the worse my cramps are. i've had 3 children and i still draw from bad cramps indigestible bleeding and all of those yucky symptoms, but your doctor can try homone psychotherapy to try to rid you of some of your symptoms.

Does $14.99 sound too cheap for the morning after pill? (I found it online for solely 14.99, it's the generic.)

No, it's not normal to enjoy cramps badly satisfactory to cause vomiting, but some empire get cramps bearing worse than others.

For myself, the cramps started subsiding in my 20's and I didn't have my first child until my belatedly 30's so there be no connection.

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Vomiting on the 1st and 2nd day of period is not normally .All these change you are noticing surrounded by your life/ body are normal and they differ from on soul to another .As your body is going through a chemical change it is trying to adjust to your intake habits.Regarding the cramps ,they adjectives come and go depending up on your physical fitness ,It is adjectives false to say that the crams will dance away after the first child, do a bit of EXERCISE and you might overcome the cramps .As you know we all tend to forgetfulness our body when we are young and constraint it to work well contained by time of need it would be vastly difficult isn't it true. Just like trying to drive / move the coup?? without petrol and wanting the vehicle to move which is not possible until and other prudent it is on the slope.Wishing you all the best contained by over coming the pain / cramps

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