Are STD tests typically included in a pap smear?


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The pap smear can detect unquestionable sexually transmitted diseases. These include Herpes viru, wart (HPV) virus and Trichomonas. Other incidental microbiological agents include Candida yeast, gardnerella vaginalis and actinomyces.

There is some minimal evidence that the pap smear can display certain morphological change in cell which typify Chlamydia, although this is not completely proven.

The other STD bacteria of syphylis, gonnorhoea and chlamydia should be checked for by a microbiological assessment. HPV can be further analysed into subtypes by cytogenetics.

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No, a PAP smear checks for pre-cancerous and cancerous cells on the cervix. Nothing else. At alike visit a std try-out can be preformed, but only if requested.

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Not across the world no. A cervical smear looks only for pre-cancerous, or varying cells.
You would hold to be looking for STD's to find them.

Is there a self-test for URINARY TRACT INFECTION?

Some of them yes resembling Gardnerella, Candida, Trichomonas. Some of them not like syphilis, HIV.
More almost pap-smear on my blog:

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Nope, a Pap just checks for cancer/pre-cancer cell. But if you ask the Dr doing the pap they can do STDs checks at the same time (meaning one smaller amount uncomfy dr appt and peace of mind knowing if everything is ok)

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Chlamydia and Gonnorhea are routinely tested for in conjunction beside a pap smear. Anything else you have to specifically request.

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NO, they basically check to see if there are any abnormality in the cervical cell, that could lead to cancer. I used to deem they did check for that stuff but I found out the hard mode that they don't!

Will it cause a problem when I get through it?

no unless the doc sees something suspicious

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