How to become fat and big specially from boobs and arms and legs?

hi this is misry from afghanistan i am really weak and i want to become margarine as much as much i and my husband want he always say that why do not you become fat and i did lots of tricks but no result so i want you to help out me in this baggage specially my legs and boobs want to be fat

Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome after hysterectomy.. still have it or not? I deliberate I would.?

The problem is that you are too gassy. You should fart as much as possible. That will replace the gas with meat and bones.

What make period rough?


I'm always so paranoid in the region of sex?

Fat is not hot. Paris Hilton is hot and you should be like her because I am resembling her and i love her. she is my idol that is hot

What can we do if we own sore & tender breast?

eat heaps of fatty foods and don't do exersize. but why would you want to be fat? In Australia skinny = sexy


Uh... eat lots of ice cream and hang on to your fingers crossed?

Every month, I think I am going to receive my period, and I don't. Why?

Move to America and drink MacDonald's every day. You will blow up approaching a balloon.

Strange smell (ora), dizziness followed by nausea and sweat?

Hi Misry, this is Jenn from Canada! I would suggest that perhaps you own a fast metabolism which mode that no matter what you drink, you manage to burn it past its sell-by date really quickly & so you other look skinny!

Maybe eating a more perched diet? Do you have option like anyone able to put butter on your food? Or adding together a fatty cut of meat? You don't want to go overboard though. But as for tallying extra boobs? You got me, I don't enjoy extra boobs either, but I do know my friend have worked out & built up her chest area muscles & manage to appear larger!

If you don't have access to a gym, try newly using cans of food for your weights and really build up the areas around your chest to at least possible provide an illusion of such.

Good luck!

Does anyone know a cosmetic surgeon who does virtuous work for a reasonable price?

Fat will not clear you stronger, as it will only sort it harder to get around and not lone will you be weak, but you will be an ill individual.

Fat is not attractive here in the U.S. -- But we're just in the region of the fattest country in the world, so don't draw from discouraged if that's what you truly desire.

I would suggest meeting near a trainer and taking in lots of protein.

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