My periods come at weird times..what should i do about it?

i am an all around athlete and i do closely of physical activity every afternoon and my period comes approaching every 3 not sexually doctor said it would achieve normal after resembling a year and it still isnt normal..what should i do roughly it?

Here are my symptoms: Uterine bleeding after intercourse, urine leakage,hard to digest bleeding during period. I have?

When you excercise and are pysically active greatly, you're development slows down. You could ask your mom and your doctor more or less getting the pill to regulate your periods.

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Uhm high-speed question, really stipulation help though?

The low dose birth control Yaz help me. I am 15 and had my term for 3 years. I had lots of torment and irregularity. this helped alot.

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They are coming at an unconventional time because you are doing a lot of physical leisure. I'm not too sure how it works, but take a look at feminine olympic gymnasts. They all look younger than they really are, because they own been training everyday since they be kids. That physical stress has stunted their growth, which is why they never bring very elevated or any breasts. Again I'm not sure how it works, but that does happen.
If your doctor is just telling you that eventually you will seize normal, but isn't really offering any real guidance, perhaps you should try a topical doctor for a second opinion? Try a woman specializing in women's condition, she might be able to explain what is wrong.

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If you have a extremely low (or very high) percentage of body chubby it can alter periods and so forth. It change the amounts of certain hormones produced. I would find a gyn who will be completely honest next to you. I had a gyn when I be a teenager that would just tell me that my period were irregular due to person overweight, and I knew that within was something really wrong. My mom be always within, and I still think that the doctor wouldn't consider anything else because she know my mom wanted me to loose weightiness. When I was 22 or so, I finally found a doctor who told me I have poly-cystic ovary syndrome. So if you feel that within is something else, you should insist that they check everything.

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