Unable to gain weight?

I'm 26, female, 5ft 5", two kids, in shape, on birth control pills,work full time, eat a conventional diet but no matter how tough i try i cannot put on weight. I weigh 8st 3lbs (116lbs) which is pretty much underweight for me. Does anyone else hold this problem and if so how can it be solved. Please don't just explain to me to eat more.

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Have meals beside the right balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and the right kind of fat (such as unsaturated and monounsaturated fat, olive oil, canola grease, pistachios, almonds and walnuts). Heinemann suggests the following ratio: 60%-70% carbohydrates, 10%-15% protein, and a small amount of fat.
Eat foods difficult in calories, vitamins, and minerals, as opposing higher within fat or sugar.
Pack more nutritious calories contained by each serving. For example, you may supply grated cooked eggs to mashed potatoes, ground chicken to soups and gravies, cheese contained by casseroles, eggs, and soups, and nonfat dried milk in soups, shakes, milk, and mash potatoes.
If you get too full too efficient, try having more high-calorie foods or slices of foods as dead set against consuming the whole point (raisins versus grapes, granola and Grape Nuts versus corn flakes, mango slices versus the whole mango).
Limit drinking beverages to a half-hour formerly and after a meal.
Drink mixed juice (apple/berry, peach/orange/banana as opposed to one liquid beverages) for a higher calorie intake.
Try a small amount of alcohol (4 ounces of wine, 6 ounces of beer, or a half-ounce of liquor next to juice) before a buffet, as it could stimulate appetite. Moore warns, however, that this opinion must be cleared with your doctor, especially if you are on any medication. Too much alcohol can be detrimental to strength, and could lessen your resolve for eating hygienic.
With moderation, you may add contained by good heavy sources to meals such as nuts, avocado, olives, and fatty fish (salmon and mackerel).
Snack contained by between meals. Nuts, dried fruits, and yogurt are suitable options, but it's also key to find nutritious foods that you will enjoy.
Have a nutritious snack beforehand bedtime, such as a peanut butter sandwich.

Just wondering because i have hear it alot?

Use weight gain 3000. All the fattys who LOOK at a pole of chocolate and put half a stone on will be outstandingly jealous of you lol

Ok! Now summer is comming and and i want to know how to shave my Bikini column and i don't want to hurt myself?

Use the protein drinks that health shops sell

I need some suggestion?

Eat a more fattening diet. + theres some weight gain stuff you could use, (check your local chemists or sim.)

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Why bother you're a healthy being i cant see why you would like to supply on weight.

Women's give somebody the third degree only please??

I have a feeling for you, i've been trying this conflict for years, going to the doctors and everything.

If your body can't put on weight don't try and row it you're probably like that instinctively.

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You could use the build up protein drinks sold at some gyms or health stores. They usually work as they contain extra nutrients and calories to relieve gain weight. Oh. and by the style..I'm sooooooooo jealous. I own to work really hard to controll my bulk!

Girls only?

Eat more protein and a clothed mount of carbohydrate (breads, rice, potato etc). DO NOT eat more fatty foods.

Yes, if you double your fatty food intake you'll put on immensity, but more importantly (and dangerously) you'll fill your insides next to cholesterol. Over time it causes blockages surrounded by your arteries and blood can't flow through properly, which in turn lead to some srious health problems, and sometimes annihilation. Sorry to be morbid, but it needs to be said.

Plus- adjectives that fat (and sugar) will do awful things to your body on a hormonal level- even stimulating depression. Just hold the amount of fatty foods you eat alike as normal.

Also, ingestion before bedtime (but stay away from dairy!) usually prevents the body from burning what excess weight cells it already have during the night (the food you purely ate gets burned up instead- so long as it's not a huge teatime!). Eat protein and carbs, not excess fats. And exercise.

Good luck.

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I choice I had your problem, mine seem to be the opposite! You probably enjoy a high metabolism plus running after 2 kids and working full time probably method you run around alot too, my friend had like peas in a pod problem and she gets protein shakes and peanut grease to take and this help a bit

men please answer.?

hi the first thing i would resembling to no is what job you do as you own two kids as that gives loads of exersise within itself, if it is a job that you are on your foot all afternoon no mater what you eat you will probably bern it of befor it get a chance to tern to plump or the amino acides to build healthy muscles.nomber two would be if you smoke that rases your matabalisam contained by tern using more caleries than normal.i will enunciate i dont have this problem but i do work contained by one of the leading sports nutrition stores.so if you do smoke try adjectives out the sigerets after meals for at tiniest a hour dont give up totaly as we adjectives need something try and guzzle every two hours to keep the body topd up at adjectives time withe sensible food if not posile hold pridge for breakfast as this contains slow releas protien to feed the body untill lunch try paster at lunchtime for the complex carbs needed to gain waight afterwards in the evening hold a good size and hanging meal near a desert then in the order of half a hour befor bedtime try a large protien snack or a whey protien drink(from most helth stores ie gnc live well)this will lower your matabalisam when you sleep making it easer for your body to proses food ton fat stores.sory if my typing and spelling unpromising its not my strong point hope this helpes

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i have other been underweight for my age and stage. i am 5 ft 5 and have single just manage to get myself to 7.5 st. i have a baby 16months ago and didnt put any counterweight on during my pregnancy. however, i recently moved away from lots of stress, and am in a minute living by the sea and the New Forest near alot less stress. I own put on over a stone since moving. i have found my appetite have increased and i generally be aware of healthier in a minute. in my defence, i think my problem be caused by stress, and yours could be too. if you are worried roughly speaking it you should go the doctor. however, if you're ingestion when you're hungry and eating relatively healthily, you shouldnt enjoy anything to worry roughly, you're probably just inherently slim.

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Proteins are required for building muscles, so having big protein foods like eggs, milk, peanut butter, protein shakes will minister to you in purchase weight. Starchy foods contain profoundly of carbohydrates. Check this out http://www.toloseweight.org/gainweight.h...

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