Is there any way to make my period end quicker?

I hate individual on my period as i guess most girlies do but im usualy on my term for 3-4 day's. I would close to it to end sooner if near's any way of doing that? especially as i'm a drastically active personage in lingo of sport etc and just aversion being on my interval when training in tae kwon-do etc.

What is your opinion?

There is nothing guaranteed way to build your period bring to a close sooner. You can, however, prevent it from coming at all using faultless birth control pills. Seasonale is a brand of pill that is designed so you solitary have your time of year every 3 months. Some women take generic monophasic birth control pills and purely skip the week of placebo pills (under a doctor's supervision, of course). Other hormonal contraceptives (nuvaring, the birth control patch, depo injections) may make your spell lighter and more manageable. Talk to your physician.

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Your lucky if u merely have a time 3 r 4 days mine last 7 for sure a sometimes longer. You can agree with you doctor tho and he can contribute you pills that will stop your periods completely!! I'm not exactly sure how it works but its approaching birth control pills that u take day by day and than after say 3 months u filch them so as you can have a extent. Just ask the doc he knows adjectives about it. My doc offered it to me bacause mine are so bulky but I dont want to take hormones.

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a little mal nurished diet do this very when u r about to own periods ,voice a couple of days before start strict diet, dont put away any thing at adjectives, water solely... i used to do this to reduce period during studies


You are lucky to have it for with the sole purpose 3-4 days. It could always be 7-10 days!

There's other Seasonale like someone mentioned above.

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