How can i take some fat off my big butt and transfer them to my small humble boobs?
huh huh huhhhhh
Sadly it doesn't work like that. If it did, ably a lot of us would hold fewer body issues.
Work out. Get a virtuous bra. That's about adjectives anyone can do lol
Love your body for what it is and the butter on your butt and the size of you boobs won't matter.
Yes, but it is an expensive and unpredictable procedure. Very few doctors even act it, the only one I can even ruminate of is Sydney Coleman in New York (see join below).
If you can wait a couple of years, a exotic injectable product called Macrolane will be introduced that can enhance breasts. The procedure can be carried out lower than a local anaesthetic and the resutls can last up to 2 years.
HTH : )