How can you increase female hormones easily?

I'm 15 and I havn't had my time of year in a year! I've already be to the doctors and seen a gyneocologist, and I'm not pregnant or anything similar to that. When the doctor took a blood test my estrogen and some other hormones be low. Is there any road to increase them naturally? (My mom won't consent to me go on birth control or cart any pills). Thanks for your help


Whats a vagina?

you should do some research on Dong Quai it's a root that regulates the hormones in your ovaries. I used it once to help out me get my interval after not having it for 6 or 7 months, because I stopped getting a birth control shot. It work in give or take a few a month.

Why don't abortion activists on both sides realize that their inflexibility lately makes them appear silly?

i hold heard soy milk does wonders- i cant remember the brand, but they be paid very terrifically vanilla and chocolate- you would never know you were drinking soy milk

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