What are the side effects of birth control?

please say the benefits and side effects cuz im almost to go on it and i call for to know what im getting into


If you take birth control pills for long plenty then you can completly stop getting your perioid... substance you wont be able to procure pregnant at all if you ever required to later within in your natural life (im not sure how old you are, im guessing you are immature, like impulsive 20's or late teens, but i get no clue). So think especially hard and consequently decide. Also if you use it for not markedly long, then near is no harm, it may in actuality increase breast size.

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Your period may be not as often or longer than usual and irregular. After a while period can stop completely (Iwould say that'sa benefit). They can supply you a bigger appetite. But these are the only ones I come across to have. You hold less than 1% unsystematic of getting pregnant

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major side effects are.. it can cause blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, etc. but at hand are many plus's too... check out websites such as


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If you've never been on it earlier, please do a lot of reading on the internet. There are a ton of page talking something like this topic. Each pill brand is different in language of hormones and amount of hormones. Side effects can be pretty bad: depression, loss of moisture, loss of libido, yeast infections. But some women don't experience any of these. Positives can include lighter period, reduction contained by cramping, and reduction contained by mood swings. I have be on a lot of different pills and hold experienced all of these effects (luckily the pill that sent me into a open depression was pulled years ago and is no longer available) I like the Nuva Ring in theory- very unforced and practical; however, it ends up that I do not tolerate estrogen very okay and am now on a progesterone-only pill. Good luck to you- freshly keep contained by mind that if you don't like the side effects, switch pill brands until you find one that works for you.

what to do?

Benifits are that you own less cramping if thats a problem for you. I merely got on the smaller amount than a year ago. Bad thing is your interval gets adjectives off (for me at least) It a short time ago all depends. I go on it for bad cramps and robust mood swings. It may be different for different brands. Ask ur doctor.

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