Appendix x..?
my left side of my hip really hurts.
and yes
ive researched it and i know where on earth it is and stuff and normally its on the right side.
my sister have had hers cut out n it be on her right side.
It really hurts tho. More of a discomfort then anything else.
what do u have an idea that it could be?
has anyone ever have theirs taken out and what was the discomfort and feeling resembling before you get it taken out?
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I had my appendix out at 17 and didnt reason it was that as it in recent times felt resembling a stitch. If you think you hold a problem with it walk and get it checked out even if it freshly turns out too be something minor , as if it bursts you will be in big trouble!
The appendix is located on the right side , right on the hip. The pain usually starts around your belly button next moves too the side...although this doesnt always begin.
The op itself doesnt take awfully long and recovery within hospital is only a year or so , depending on the condition of the appendix , your previous medical history etc.
good luck and i hope this help!
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How old are you and are you sexually stirring? I had my appendix out when i be 17 and they test you for pregnancy as the affliction of appendicitis is similar to that of an eptopic pregnancy.My pain be really sharp and stabby and low on the right hand side... compassionate of made me walk lopsided too lol. My doctor pressed the torment and held it and then asked if it hurt when she released it... apparently thats one of the signs too.
If you're at adjectives worried i'd see your doctor. they'd know the answers.
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