Blood after sex?

i havent had sex for just about 3 months and after having sex this time i started bleedin after not alot not a bit of niggle right after but it went away rightaway should i be worried

Ok ladies! BIRTH CONTROL? do you run it? side effects?

I wouldn't worry to much you probably are going to enjoy your period... but if it really worries you after go to the doctor

Is this common?

It would freak me out... yes, be worried and see your gyno asap.

Contraceptive pills are safe?? should verbs about stains and zilch else...
unless it does not stop within 3 days.or if you have having pouring bleeding then I suggest see a doctor right away.

Girlz singular!! Period question. Plz i enjoy my period and the cramps are really sore.?

I would articulate it is normal, your walls could only just be tender if you ovulating or if you are close to your period your walls are thinner and the bumping and grinding can form you bleed. as long as it was for a moment spotting and has go a way do not be worried.

What is going on next to me?

No probably not your probably just have you period... If you fell resembling there some piece wrong go draw from a check up.

I finished my period and immediately it started again. why?

nah, some girls bleed a bit if they havent had sex surrounded by a while, theres nothing wrong beside that.

If you keep bleeding, though, u should probably move about for a check up.

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