Can someone tell me what toejam is and do you ever get that? and i don't mean sock lint.?
lol. don't swab your feet for awhile. you'll find out. lol.
this is a funny press.
How good is estrogen ? My mom plans to nick them but I dont want her to?
i only ever hear of toe jam as self lint. maybe ir could be going to athlete's foot?i always thought it be the sock lint that gets stuck btwn your toes...idk of any other definition and I really don't
My underpants are starting to 'crackle' should I renovation them?
Toejam is dirt and debris that collects between your toes and sort is glutinous and sticky like preserve. Often it has a yeasty smell to it connotation you have a fungus starting to grow between your toes. NO one should ever own toejam unless they are disabled and their caretaker doesn't wash between the disabled folks toes.You get a taste for peanut butter and toe preserve.
Another question you've be asking forever.
Step One: You Have A Problem