When you women say that your period is late are we talking significantly late or kinda late?

like does it hafta come on the same year every month or can it come around a certain daytime...

To all who own had acne, but in a minute dont have anymore..?

No, it doesn't necessarily come on the excat same year, they are normally in the order of 28 days apart give or lug a few days or so. There are lots of things that came engineer it come at different at times though, such as, excercise, food, sex, and such. Pretty much any activity.Like closing month mine came on the 16th, this month it come on the 20th. It can be different. Hopefully that help. It's normal for guys to wonder in the region of this stuff.

Need suggestions for variety of things to cheer up 20 yo childlike woman undergoing 4 months of chemo for cancer.?

Your length doesn't necessarily have to arrive on the date you figure..sometimes it's late by a few days or precipitate. This could be due to recent illness, stress, etc. As long as you're not extremely past due, there isn't really anything to verbs about.

Dryness issue?

They be set to sorta late.

I newly had surgery for an eptopic pregnancy?

Depends on the womanly. Some females have completely consistant periods, while others are especially irregular. There are also things that can affect it such as stress, medications or substance gain/loss.

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2 weeks is tardy


Most women's cycles are 28 days, but that's not every woman and that's not every cycle. You can be a couple days late and still know it's coming by how you discern or you may even have some spotting, but you do know it's coming. If you don't hold any sign that it's coming and it doesn't come day after light of day, most women start to think possibly they're pregnant.

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