Need suggestions for variety of things to cheer up 20 yo young woman undergoing 4 months of chemo for cancer.?


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If she is going to be an inpatient at the hospital you might try to brighten up her room. Check hospital rules, but drape bright material on the walls and bring pictures of friends and family to set up around the room. Nothing is smaller number welcoming than a disagreeable hotel room. I would suggest bringing some sort of music player with headset, even just for when she sleeps. I remember when I be in the hospital, I couldn't sleep for adjectives the beeping of machines and deafening roommates. Chemo usually makes you tired, so I'm sure she's going to obligation all the sleep she can draw from. Perhaps some blankets from home would make her bed more gracious. If she's a crafty person you might bring things for her to knit, crochet or quilt her own--if she have the strength. Bring plenty of books or magazines--perhaps a series would be good. I'm loving the "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" series as my current light-hearted read. (I'm 22, so I'm around indistinguishable age) Just remind her to stay optimistic, I can't envisage being diagnosed near cancer at age 20. Most importantly, just be nearby for her. God bless :)

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I've not have cancer, but when in hospital I other liked the colourful gifts... those flowers they engineer of fabric... cushions... things to read... lots of them... and things that are soft...sjawls... cards ... comics... anything really that keep the mind occupied and comforted... :) oh and ten hugs a sunshine at least...

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JUST THINK OF WHAT u are gonna do AFTER THE chemo! and after think of what u would do for the rest of your vivacity if.. the chemo fixed everything! what would u do noooow besides disenyland!?

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Thanks for asking. Buy the inspirational life-changing picture, The Secret. It's not religious. Important. Please buy and have her keep under surveillance it asap.

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Picnics in the park or a romantic spot, possibly including wine. If she is in hospital, bring the picnic to her! Find out what special foodie things she enjoys, ask her or her family/friends.
Instead of newly flowers, consider buying an orchid or some similar flowering plant from a florist. This will be a lasting grant, something she can keep at home or to brighten her hospital room.
Never underestimate cuddy toys! Buy a big soft toy or puppy dog.
Simple things like a honest book or a CD can expect the world.
Keep the mood light and cheerful, receive a fuss over her and try to keep her from dwelling on her unlucky situation.
Best of luck.
Ps, being nearby for her would be the greatest gift of adjectives.

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surprise her everyday!! something that will linger contained by her mind for sometime,like bringing one of her favorite personage or her high arts school sweatheart to the hospital,or shave your head (if you approaching to...cox that will give her a perfect laugh),have a slumber event with oldtime friends,things that will brand name her think of her wonderful departed,not her future.cos adjectives will be the only article on her mind.whats going to happen to me?will i die? or will i obtain treated?so you be the one to make her cherish her goodtimes.

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