What is this discharge that just came out of me?

When I urinated a few minutes ago a very tacky light pinkish discharge merely came out of my vagina. I hold noticed this formerly coming out of my rectum. Sorry to be so disgusting.
I have a fibroid tumor within my uterus and I have be having this discharge once every couple of months. My tumor doesn't hurt but it is starting to bring back bigger.
I know that someone on here is going to tell me to budge to an ob/gyn to ask her but I am defly afraid of going. I haven't been to an ob/gyn within over 3 years because I am a 31 year old virgin and the misery from the pap is unbearable.
The later time I went, the ob/gyn have to call contained by 2 assistance to help "settle down me down" because I became so hysterical from the aching. I was completly feeling shame and vowed to never go posterior.
So if you could, please just explain to me what this light pink discharge is that is to say coming out of me. I am not on my period as of in a minute so that wasn't what it was. Thanks.

I take calcium tablets on a daily basis. Are there any glum interactions with alcohol?

Are you silly, or merely crazy?

In at least two of your other question you've posted on "womenanswers.org " you've discussed your children. Are you a mother of two or are you a 31 year old virgin? You can't be both, you know!

Either means of access, if you've got pinkish discharge, you should see a doctor even if it's not an OB/GYN (this coming from a guy...)

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