Sex for the first time?

well i had sex back but it wasnt for long...the first time he stuck ti in me it hurt somewhat and then he stopped and put alot of lub on it and afterwards did it again and it didn really hurt anymore.after that i noticed i started to bleed a short time bit but not alot.he penis was middle-of-the-road size and after a couple of mintues it didnt hurt as much and it felt perfect and it stopped bleeding.i was wondering that if i enjoy sex again will it hurt again or bleed again since it didnt bleed alot before...i didnt hold sex in something like 7 months...

What's all something like?

You will probably not bleed again. But it may hurt again, depending on lubrication, penis size, how tight you are, etc. Try not to worry roughly the pain, relax and soak up!

I want to start using tampons!!?

No you shouldn't bleed again. After you have sex for the first time it's majority to have some bleeding. After the first time, it shouldn't crop up again.

I think i enjoy the wrong size bra?

Well you won't bleed again and if you guys get some forplay contained by there it won't hurt any

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