Birth me please...?

I would like to move about on birth control, but my mom keeps unfolding me its a bad hypothesis because my grandma died of a blood-clot. Are there any forms of birth controls that won't rationale blood clots? I understand where on earth my mother is comming from but could she just be overreacting because she doesnt want me on birth control?

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Make an appointmet for yourself and run in and verbalize to the doctor about it. Kids hold rights after a certain age when it comes to confidentiallity. There are oodles forms of birth control that is undisruptive. Iwas all for my daughter mortal on birth control. Better than pregnancy-right. when i was 18 I be too afraid to go thru the exam. my mom never talk to me about that,,,okay I got pregnant and I have a full ride scholarship to an awesome college. I prefer have my daughter tho of course but my mom be livid and hung up on me when I told her I was pregnant. They a short time ago don't get that kids are going to hold sex--better to have them prepared right-you can do this by yourself(depending on your age and state). Better if mom understand and helps you thru the process. things are safer presently 2007?? good luck sweetie

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As far as I am aware there is no pill or patch that doesn't take this risk, which by the way is especially minimal BUT with that said you have a family history of blood clots I wouldn't want to relate you to use these. I would call or ask at your subsequent OB visit and I am sure they enjoy great information.

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Birth control increases your risk for stroke, heart attack, blood clots and other things. Read about it on the net. I am not sure why you want to go on birth control but if you period are heavy or irregular you could ask your mom to pinch you to the docs office so that adjectives 3 of you can discuss your options.

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To practice birth control is a better judgment than to go for an abortion at a subsequently date.
If your mom does not like it, ask her how would she approaching to be your babysitter for all your unwanted babies.

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Depending on your age, she may also not want you on birth control because that's like encouraging sex you may not be feeble enough for on the other hand. Abstinence is the best policy, but condoms and Depo Prevara shot are also options.

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u should own ur mom make an app. next to a gyno. and see what they have 2 influence

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