Can you describe your first visit to the gyno?


Birth canal?

In reality my first visit to a gyno be at the age of 16, 4 years back. I have a lump in my breast. I be panicked and I did not want to travel a gyno, mostly he was a man. When he first consulted me, I remember I be extremely nervous though my mother be there near me. I was sweating,my unbroken body was rigid. The gyno told me to relax and while he be examining me, I closed my eyes and hadly answered by saying a word. I be just moving my skipper. It was an extremely difficult situation. I have the feeling that I be being raped. Perhaps u'll vote I am exaggerating but I was young-looking and "untouched"and I was going through a rough time. I cried adjectives the night after this first consultation. But after that for further check ups, I realised that all this be normal and it involved pure professionalism. The gyno operate me and took out the lump and healed me forever. Now I hold deep respect for this man and never apprehension to go for a consultation.

A fabulous gynocologist within Portland?

Scared stiff

How much should a female whose fourteen weigh if she's 5'8?

nervous as hell. a dude or chick you dont know is looking up your butt and grab your boobies

Is there any road to get my term back on track?

My first drop by to my gyno was not involving a check up. She sit me down and explained the procedure and the equipment she would be using and what it was for. I still be a little diffident when i went but as she be doing the procedure at least i know what she was doing and what to expect. It really isn't that bleak. No surprises

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