Missing periods?

I had be on birth control for about four years. In August, I stopped taking it and own not had a extent since. At first, I was not overly concerned, as I hear it may take several months for your cycle to return to regular. However, it has be just over six months, and I am not pregnant. I do not want to madness and run to the doctor as it's not covered under my insurance. Any planning as to where they enjoy gone and when they might return?

Just wondering?

After 6 months, there is particularly something else causing this. Usually the underlying impose is not dramatic, but if however you have the possibility to stir to a doctor, I would recommend you to go.

Also, to lend a hand you determine the cause of this, you want to assess the other symptoms you might have (fatigue, nipple discharge, ect.), the change (if any) you have made within your lifestyle (started a heavy training programme only just ?), weight gain/loss, a investigational medication (anti-deprerssant drugs can cause amenorrhea) and also your present stress smooth.

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Stop stressing. Stress, Anxiety, depression and of course getting it rear legs on track after that long of having a controlled cycle. However, its not dutiful to miss your period too much, embezzle a preg test if you arent 100% sure your not and if you dont catch one in a month or two more I would see a doc.

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Health is more important than money.
Do progress check up with a doc. Needs checkup for sure.

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they will return on convoy with jesus

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Beckie, I don't think this is commonplace. I've changed bc and gotten off of bc earlier, and it never took six months for my period to return. Then again, every woman is different. Maybe you should read up on it on Webmd.com lower than the type of bc you were using. I know how it is when you're insurance doesn't cover your doc's pop in, but maybe you should be in motion just to check it out.

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