My baby had a shot ,and the shot area became red.?

My baby is 6 months antiquated.Yesterday the doctor gave her a shot.She didn`t enjoy any fever.But today the nouns became red ,and it get bigger by the evening.Now it is almost half of her thigh,I can`t bid my doctor right now.What should i do?

Just have my colposcopy done?

Take her to the emergency room NOW.

what does it mean when?

take her to the emergency room and hold a luke warm towel around the nouns until you get her to the er it may be an allergic antipathy only a dr. can narrate for sure

how will i no about when my first spell will come?

it is just ordinary swelling from a shot
ice it

Is it possible to enjoy sore boobs b4 implantation bleeding?

Go to a pediatrition, sounds like an infection or a recoil GO TO A DOCTOR ASAP

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give her an antihistamine (which is formulated for her substance and age group), and get her to a pediatrician to own her checked out.

Period two months late and interview is negative.?

I'm assuming she recieved a DTaP. This is typically given at 6 months and commonly cause large "lumps" to form. This can be described as a golf globe size lump, sometimes larger. The area is repeatedly red and swollen. This is a normal response to the immunization. HOWEVER, if the reddishness has spread beyond the nouns of swelling (for example the redness go up to her groin), she's running a fever, or she is within a lot of anguish she needs evaluated promptly. She may have an infection of the tissue in her leg-which can be treated beside oral antibiotics typically. If you aren't sure how much the redness is spreading splodge with pen the borders of the red and recheck every 1-2 hours.
If you deliberate she's doing OK you can try warmcompresses for her leg, extra fluids, and a dose of Tylenol (just let it wear off-6 hours between doses-so you can explain to if she is running a fever). You also need to check beside her doctor to see what you should do in situations approaching that. Most offices enjoy a triage system (nurses who answer questions or answering service that will page the doctor if its something that can't dally until business hours). That way you won't own to worry adjectives weekend or rely on the internet for advise! Good luck!

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