What is it that comes out of me?

ok, sometimes when i go to the restroom sometimes when i'm cleaning myself down here i notice white in good health not white water look alike sticky stuff. like dampen jelly what is it

What color of my pusi will be health and great?

Its majority, its just the secretion that your vagina produces. It is your body's natural lubricant to preserve your vagina clean. It is middle-of-the-road to have different looking/feeling secretion during different times of the month- some people infer that they are "wetter" around when they ovulate, and then are not as drizzling before they start their time.
But, if it ever starts to look chunky or not smooth, smells REALLY fishy or like bread, or is itchy, you should see a doctor. That could be a sign of an infection.

Did I own an ovarian cyst rupture?

Most likely it is vaginal fluid explicitly produced by the glands of Bartholin, which produce natural lubricant for the vagina. This fluid is typically white or clear, and does not hold an odor.

How can i have a interval?

pus lubricant , you are makeing your pus hot

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