Can someone help me with a scalp problem?

I usually wash my coat every day, sometimes every other daytime and always thoroughly rinse out the shampoo and conditioner. For the concluding few months I have notice that I can "smell" my scalp--kind of an oily skin smell. It's really bothering me, I suggest if I can smell it surely others can? What is causing this and what can I do in the order of it??

could something be seriously wrong?

Are you using shampoo made for oily spine?
If you are, change brands. Also, use heat water, hot hose down makes the grease production worse. At least for me it does. Good luck.

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your conditioner might hold too much oil within it=by the way did you know that we should single wash our hackle once a week =you can get it showery when you shower but too much shampooing ruins the luster of your hair

To the women of thw world: Health Question?

people speak washing your spike every day make it even more oily cuz your scalp get washed so repeatedly and it thinks it have to produce more oil to maintain itself from getting to dry. ive always have oily curls, so for me it makes sense ot rinse it every day. you might want to try wash it less.

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You may need to buy a special cleaning shampoo. Your pelt is oily and does want to to shampooed daily. Don't use any conditioners on it.

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Ewww yeah that sounds close to a nasty problem. Luckly I might know how to help you.

Sounds close to you have skeluitus. Its not totally known, extremely occasional, but there is luckly help out out there for it. You could logically contact your doctor, and in such matter you always should. However I would recommend getting (Found at your local pharmacy).

Johnsons Scalp Care Medical Power Shampoo. You stipulation to use it up to 6 weeks (Twice a day, within morning and in evening). You should see a bit of a difference in two weeks. After 6 weeks if this doesnt solve the problem , then consult your doctor.

Good luck

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