Cramping pain and pain when i sit?

I have a huge discomfort in my lower module of my stomache. And when i sit a certain passageway it hurts more.
I went to the doctor and i have a UTI so i have be on meds for that but this pain started today.
What do you dream up it can be?

Period two weeks long, two weeks apart, been similar to this for two years, what do i do?

well i capture alot of pains all over but by the sounds of it,it could be irital bowl problems which i have n thts when i had pains in the lower stomach.also it could be windtrap this is terrifically painful and again in the lower stomach.but i dnt no how antiquated u are bt if u havnt started u period consequently it could be tht.hope this helps.i would jump and see you doctor to be sure because it could be anything. good luck xx

Overnight protection?

solution! don't sit down.

Can you take an ingrown hair a while after shaving?

If I be you I would go fund to the doctor or at least
call your doctor and agree to them know that you are having pains
again. It could be matching thing or something else.

How much is a Pap Smear try-out?

your uti could be worse or you could have a womanly infection or an ovarion cycst you should call your doctor and make clear to them your symptoms they may want to examine you

Weird period. HELP?

sometimes we women a moment ago have irregular pains. if it keeps hurting for an exteded amount of time after i would go see a doctor but try and see if it go away first


How soon can you have sex after finishing medication for a yeast infection?

i doubt its an uti because it'll hurt when you pee and it'll brand u pee frequently even if its 2 drops and it hurts like razor.. go to another doctor and c what he/she say.. i think it can be a cyst... when u touch it does it consistency like a orb.. stretch around and feel wheere it hurts and see if its a bubble..

I have spotting of pink and brown blood, cramping, vomiting, lower posterior pains, I passed out, what is wrong?

Go to the doctor again because it could be something more serious. You could have ulcer, gallbladder disease, inflammation of the upper digestive tract or irritable bowel disease. I suggest having a upper GI series or upper endoscopy, a interview for H Pylori (a bacteria associated beside inflammation or ulcers), as well as an abdominal ultrasound. - mention adjectives these to your doctor.
Good Luck

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