Morning after pill at 4 weeks pregnant?

What would happen if I took the morning after pill if I be already a month pregnant? What could happen? Would I enjoy the misscarriage?

If you found a guy very physically attractive?

you're kid......right?

Normal weight?

(mouth limp open)

THIS is why that $@%^ should not be available to purchase by anyone who wants to within the stores. CRIPES.

If you want to abort your child, go to the doctor and enjoy it done correctly, you fool.

Get the FACTS about the Morning After pill:

Does removing your pubic pelt affect your period?

moring after pill is in recent times that, should have be taken the morning after, if you don't want this baby, you have need of an abortion at this point, i don't recommend it! try adoption or just try keeping it, abortion is not a form of birth control!

Any planning on how to get rid of the horrible rinkley overhanging belly i've be left beside since i had my newborn.

My friends doctor gave her the morning after pill in need telling her what it be and told her to take it. She did and have massive hemorrhaging, when she went to another doctor they told her that she have been a month pregnant and that the doctor have given her the morning after pill. She went rear and asked the doctor who had given her that pill why he have done what he did and he told that since she already had two children that he figure that she wouldn't want another one. What i am trying to say is that if you do that you run the risks of bleeding out adequate to have to dance to the er and you might wind up dying from it. I would chat to your ob about the option that you have available to you until that time you do that.

What's a normal time for a menstrual extent!?!?

It only works the morning after not if you are month pregnant.
If you are pregnant and you don't wanna be, own an abortion as soon as possible, it's better for you health and psychologically.

I'm 13 days delayed on my period and I grain depressed.?

sounds like you want to own a miscarriage? ignorant...i better not read aloud any more or i know i'll be reported

What age do you have to be to..?

Well base on all your question perhaps you should look up adoption agencies. It appears you far plenty along, believe me when I was 24 and worried to death to notify my family in attendance were believe it or not concerned. My daughter is six, and I thank God everyday for giving me such a beutiful daughter.

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