Can you tell me why the lubrication in my vagina is too smooth?

during intercourse my partner tells me that he feel that im too smooth when im wet, or that the lubrication surrounded by my vagina is giving lessening his stimulation.There is no smelly discharge or anything close to that and everything is normal .Ive have this problem with every lover.Does anyone enjoy the same problem Also he say its in my saliva when Im felating him

Does it affect me?

If you cram control of the vaginal muscles, you could actually carry strong enough to not even consent to him out.

What are tampons?

Ewww. Don't post that here. What is wrong with you?

How soon after stopping the pill does your sex drive come wager on?

Maybe your partner has, justifiably, a BOARD TIED TO HIS so he won't plunge in, and of late IMAGINES it is "smooth" when in trueness he is wanking air!

Have you ever be under the wound?

Wow. I think you freshly need a current partner that doesn't b!tch and complain so damn much, cuz everything you have described is a plus, according to my (a guy's) point of scene.

Pill timing?

Aww, the poor, poor little bay-bee! Pobricito! Awww... Honey, you tell this push to jerk rotten if he's so unhappy near what you do for him. The nerve of some of my fellow men embarrass the heck outa decent guys.
Look, I don't want to nouns crude, but if you lose this guy - as you probably should - next time you select a lover, trade name sure he's very well-hung. He'll receive plenty of stimulation and the lubrication will help ensure you both categorically love it! On the other hand, here're those of us who are as concerned with your pleasure as next to our own, and we'll make sure we use what we get the RIGHT way. I love to hear my sex partner compliment my distraction with nice, rich moans and groans and MEAN it! Maybe you should try an elder guy?

My inner innner labia are bigger than my outer ones, is this normal?

i've never hear anything like this.I gain VERY wet essentially and never had one complaint! u requirement a new man, sorry to enlighten ya. he's complaining about nil and sounds like he doesn't deserve what he's getting...

Is this a run of the mill thing?

Perhaps his penis is too small to consistency your insides.

is wearing bra while sleeping is harmful?

All i am going to influence is.WATCH WHAT YOU reflects contained by how men and women taste..get a research online what is a good diet for that and what are reliable produts to eat within order for you to partiality good or something..i am slightly confused around the whole smooth he reffering like he dont surface any stimulation on his penis when he is in you and he lately picked word smooth? Kind of confused, but if thats the case i would get on Kegel execises asap.and watch your diet.thats really it!

are nearby any home remedies for lack of saliva?

Have you hear of a kind of herb call Manjakani?

Thanks to a recent discovery, you can immediately reverse loss of elasticity from childbirth and aging, and be tighter than ever! And you can do it naturally, minus surgery or drugs! Feel the effect immediately next to your first application.

"Manjakani" has help countless couples enjoy more fulfilling sex and rekindle their dedication for one another. It has be known to restore relationships in and out of bed!

Lubricate And Tighten at the Same Time

"Manjakani" is unlike any other lubricant or tightening
cream because it tightens with ease while providing just
the right amount of lubrication for maximum pleasure
and comfort.

What's in it?
Manjakani Plus Gel contains extract of oak galls, a remarkable fluent ingredient that increases muscle tension within the lower vagina, enabling a firmer grip for increased sexual enthusiasm for both partners. Now, added beside extracts of Pueraria Mirifica to further enhance natural lubrication and in good health vaginal elasticity and health.

How does it work?
Oak nerve's astringent properties give instant tightening effects, while its antioxidant properties tone up vaginal walls to oblige reverse the loss of elasticity due to aging, hormonal changes and childbirth. These properties also facilitate reduce problems cause by age-related thinning of vaginal tissues. Its natural antiseptic activities can help to prevent infections!

Read more in the region of it here:

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