Need girl/woman advise!!?

okay, i've had my time about 5-7 times already but i want to use tampons very soon. my friends told me that there is two holes surrounded by your ya know, but im not sure if there is. if nearby is then, which hole does the tampon walk in?

am i doing it right?

You enjoy 3 holes. Your urethra where pee comes from. Your vaginal openeing where on earth the blood from your period comes from. Your anus where on earth the poo comes from.
You won't find the first one unless you are limber and have a mirror. It is a drastically small hole, and a tampon won't fit in in that even if you tried. I'm sure you know it doesn't go surrounded by the poo hole, so the middle one if what you are shooting for. There is always a moment or two leaflet that comes contained by the box of tampons. It will show you where and how to use one.

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technically there are three holes down within. one is the urethra (where you pee) it is anatomically the one in the front. the subsequent one back is the vaginal space and the third is the anis(where you poop). a tampon will not fit in the urethra. the instructions included in the box are incredibly helpful for first time users. if you still inevitability help ask mom or sister or aunt or someone you trust to show you how.

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trust me sweetie, you cant put it in the wrong hole. the tampon go in your vagina, the other hole they are conversation about is your urethra. its the hole you pee out of and it is too small to fit a tampon. a moment ago remember to relax and start with the slender size tampons and you will fine.

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The two holes she is talking in the order of is the general first performance and the cervix opening where on earth babies come out of. When you buy tampons they come with an information pamphlet to inform you how to insert it. Don't worry, near is only one place it can run.

looks or books?

It's easy ample to find. One hole (your urethra) is much to small to insert a tampon into. The first time, you may want to try propping one leg up on the toilet seat while standing. Try inserting from this position. But no worries, you can not insert in into your urethra.

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Your friends are wrong there is individual one hole and it will be fairly unmistakable which one the tampon goes into. If you are still have trouble there will be directions contained by the tampons box to help you. Good Luck!

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There are 2 holes to your vagina. There is the the one you pee out of (urethra), and the one you insert tampons in, hold babies in, and so forth. The tampon won't fit within your urethra (pee hole). But for more detail, it is the hole right above your bum hole. Hope this helps. For some girls, it may assistance by exploring yourself with a mirror to kinda carry the hang of things.

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