Anybody ever have persistent yeast infection? What cured it?

Has anbody here been diagnosed next to a persistent yeast infection? I.e. one that does not step away even with a 5 pack of Diflucan and RX strength yeast creams? I have one of over a year and it went away 3 years ago but I enjoy another one that also wont quit and I want to see what may be new surrounded by addressing this. If it have happened to you, what did your OBGYN do to fix it? If you are a medical professional, what treatments are best or what should I do (refrain from wise saying "see your doctor, thats part of my problem Im not sure he is using the best methods)? What option are out there for me to confer to my doctor about? PS, I don't want to overdo the Diflucan becaue I know its not obedient for the liver. Thanks!

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Experts immediately recommend vaginal boric acid capsule as a treatment option for vaginal yeast infection, more than ever infections that can't be cured by prescription or nonprescription antifungal yeast infection medications.2, 6 Boric tart is a white, crystalline chemical substance that has antifungal and antiviral properties. It is used contained by various pharmaceutical products and is also available minus a prescription.

Clotrimazole vaginal suppositories, 500 mg, once a week
Boric acid vaginal capsule, 600 mg, twice a week.1, 4 Boric acid can assassinate types of yeast that can't be cured by azole antifungal medications.4
Fluconazole, 100 to 150 mg, vocally once a week
Itraconazole, 400 mg, orally once a month or 100 mg, vocally once a day
Ketoconazole, 100 mg, vocally once a day. Ketoconazole is associated near a rare but serious type of hepatitis. For this principle, it is not often used as treatment for vaginal yeast infections.5

All this be taken from it got some great articles on yeast infections and chronic yeast infections. Some of the medication I down had be prescribed some of it didn't. For non-prescription medication read lable scrupulously and consult your doctor before using.

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Your partner may be ratification the yeast infection back to you. he should dance to the MD and be checked too. If you aren't comfortable with your MD, switch to a unusual one - it's your prerogative

GUYS read!?

hey go to the dollar store and catch some Epsom salt pour it within warm hip bath water and soak surrounded by it do that for about 2 weeks twice day after day don't bath short it because water keep a yeast infection alive. if that don't work go wager on to dollar general and win Miconazole 7 read directions and use for about 1 week right back bed. and if these don't work go to a gynecologist. hey you may be a diabetic so tell to your doctor about getting tested

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possibly what you may think is a yeast infection is really a bacterial infection where case a course of antibiotics would be recommended.
same entry happened to me and i finally go to be seen by my doc and that's what he prescribed for me.
goood luck

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your ph level might be too low. Every night, after taking a shower, apply organic yogurt to the affected nouns for 30 minutes. Wash with heat up water and dry thoroughly, near a clean towel every time.
Cut fund on sugars, dairy and drink lots of lemonade.
Cranberry juice also help balancing your skin's ph.

All this can assist you, but you need to be sure it's newly a yeast infection and not something else besides that, like monillia, which sometimes go undetected and mimics the yeast infection's symptoms.

There's a variety of foods that can also lend a hand you, like
Fish and poultry
Flax seed (Linseed)
Whole grain
Organically raised foods where on earth possible.
Other essential fatty acids, such as olive oil and nuts
Plenty of fresh hose
1 tablespoon Psyllium seed husk fiber and/or 6 to 8 tablespoons flax kernel meal and/or 1/4 cup Oat bran day by day

Animal fats
Dairy products
Fast foods
Hydrogenated oil and margarine
Processed foods
Junk foods
White flour products

And what helps seriously also is using boric acid suppositories, used vaginally for 3-5 night.

Hope it helps!

what is intremeterosis. This is a medical permanent status and want to know excatly what it is?

Well, I'm glad that underlying medical conditions (such as diabetes) have be ruled out as a possible cause of your obstinate yeast infections. Since the over-the-counter medications aren't doing it, hold you tried these tips?

1) Wear loose-fitting undergarments made of breathable material
2) Do not stay within wet clothing (i.e., bathing suits)
3) Avoid using vaginal sprays, deodorants or chemicals
(including deodorant tampons!)

In auxiliary, it's possible that certain preventive medicine or foods may help. For example, ingestion yogurt with beside live Lactobacillus acidophilus cultures has be shown to prevent recurrent infections. You could also try boric sour capsules or vaginal suppositories.

Note that yeast infections are cause by an overabundance of candida, a microscopic fungus, and are extremely common. In certainty, 3 out of 4 women experience yeast infections. In most cases, the infection will disappear within 2 weeks by using the anti-fungal creams that you can obtain at your local pharmacy. However, for those more persistent (and annoying!) infections, it is essential to get suggestion from your doctor on how best to treat them.

One other factor that you might want to consider - are you taking birth control pills and/or antibiotics? If so, it's possible that you may want to discontinue use (under advice from your doctor), as such medication often enjoy yeast infections as a possible side effect. If you are not happy near your doctor's advice, don't be afraid to carry a second opinion!

For everything you want to know (and more!) more or less yeast infections, check out

Best of luck!

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Your partner is infecting you again and agian, get him checked out. Especially if he isn't circumcised. Try some Nilstat Cream that will work wonders.

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