GUYS read!?

is it totally akward wen a girl mentions her period?? also is it akward when they bring up to date you they have a crush on you? also do guys thoroughness how skinny a girl is?

I feel extra cold b4 and during my period. is it coz my body is concentrating on my ovaries etc and has more?

No, no, and no. I would present anything for this certain girl to come up to me and relate me she likes me. That would kind things so much easier for me. And it kinda makes me have a feeling comfortable when a girl talks give or take a few her period it seem to me they are comfortable with me. That make me feel pretty well-mannered.

Im 15 and have bumps around my nipple and one is on my nipple and I own a lot of down, what do I do?

I can't answer the first two questions since I'm not a guy, but as for your third cross-examine.

If the guy puts so much priority on weight that he won't date someone who is not inwardly his perfect array, he's not worth dating anyway and you should avoid him at all costs because a man similar to that can only bring you down!

If i masturbate am i still virgin?

NO its not.

and no... to skinny is not pious...

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