Women only...?

I am having a low desire for sex. I deem it might be because of the birth control pill that I am taking. I stopped taking it today but I would like to know which birth control method does not mess beside your sex drive.I would like to carry back on some sort of protection and Im seeking women next to experience that can give me some sort of counsel. Anything that you can throw at me I APRECIATE!

Do you pee out of the same hole that you hold sex in or is their a seperate pee hole?

What birth control? I am on Ortho Tri Cyclen and i enjoy not had that side effect. You should try another brand of pill.

Taking my little cousin to the gyno?

hi i own the depo injection,its only a stab every 3 months then you can forget around it till the following one!! i dont have period with it and it dosent effect my sex drive.flawless luck

Tampon question!!?

I lost my sex drive when I be on the Depo shot a for a while few years ago. The thing that I did and what I suggest you do is money a visit support to your doctor and describe what's going on and he/she will either adjust the dosage or afford you another brand. If you are taking birth control to keep from getting pregnant, do the responsible entry and get to your doctor efficiently.

Are there really any women out nearby who prefer it "in the rear legs door"?

The pill messes with your hormones, but wretchedly it is the best method. Other method, called physical, resembling condom, or intrauterine devices should not affect your sex drive. I hope this helps

For adjectives the Gynos, Please Help!?

There are many different forms of contraception. Maybe check out it on Google?
But I would suggest having the contraceptive injection, as I own never heard of thie messing up your sex drive. You should check next to your doctor though.
Good luck! :)

Why does my stomach feel this mode?

female comdom.Male condom for that matter!Idk.

Am i pregnant?

No hormone base birth control should work. Since pills, patches, and the ring adjectives contain hormones those will mess with your sex drive and your body. I go on the patch after my son was born and I didn't even want to look at my huspand until I stopped taking it, tolerate me tell ya 11 months short a sex drive is awful! But after I stopped I was rear to normal contained by just a few weeks. The birth control we use most normally when we aren't trying for another baby is VCF (the film) We own also used the foam but we have have bad reaction to it. Hope this helps!

Is it possible to swallow your adams apple?

i dont dream up u should stop taking birth control. u could try taking a libido enhancer... there is one call provestra. it really works. i know cuz i take it, and u know what... ive never be happier..wink, wink! lol orgasms are even more amazing! it really is great. check out their website... www.provestra.com.

What causes the stomache backache?

that can be because of that, you can help from vitamin E pills. that really works and orchestrate and elevate your horomon levels and I surmise dont have any disadvantages. but thats better to consult next to your doctor.
good strength

Did it work for u to only use spermicide motion picture strips as your only birth control?

what works for me may not be the answer for you.

ask your MD for another type..they own oodles of samples from drug reps...

Yaz is a apposite one, it also helps near skin problems and weight loss.

Also, if you add on a little exercise (if you are not already) can furnish the sex drive a kick start...formulate sure you are drinking water and getting some righteous ZZZZ's.

Buy yourself some flowers.light a candle, help yourself to a hot bubble bath and relax.stress is a sex zapper for sure.

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