Im freaked out can anyone help me?

i went to the doctor and have my yearly physical, and my pap smear results werent mundane, he said i had cancerous or pre cancerous cell in my cervix, im with the sole purpose 22 years old and i dont know what to do, im startled im going to die from it and im freaking out

Period Help !?

Okay, freaking out is allowed but, this is a normal piece in a route. If you were to ask fifty woman if they own ever had an peculiar pap at least 10 would right to be heard yes and 4 or 5 would say past they turned 25. What the doctor will want to do next is call a colposcopy. sounds nasty, doesn't surface great either but it will detail doc what is going on. they will numb the cervix and take a biopsy- surmise of a round fingernail clippers that goes contained by and snips and couple pieces out smaller than an eraser. that will get sent to a pathologist who will know how to tell what the cell there are. Precancerous, cancerous or basically nothing at adjectives. The pap is a screening only and if the technician reading the slides see something off they suggest possible precancerous cell found. It is a style of alerting the dr that further tests stipulation to be done. Expect pain, discomfited pulling sensation during the procedure and they may or may not freeze the surface of the cervix to kill bad any abnormal looking tissue. Expect bleeding afterwards and the nurse will pack you next to a couple tampons. Cramps oh yeah. but you have to hold it done. Ignore it and precancer can quickly turn into cancer. The problem near cervical cancer is by the time you have symptoms it almost too behind schedule. That's why year physical is so crucial.
hope this helps.

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Some things to reduce or get rid of cancer: eat untreated foods and juices as much as possible. Cancer doesn't survive contained by a live environment, it loves dead issue. check out the other foods that fight cancer - cabbage, broccoli and others I can't feel of now.

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Relax. I doubt there are particularly many women who hold not had an remarkable pap test. Ask you doctor what you should be doing and if you are in any style of danger.

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if the cell have not YET cancerous afterwards there is stil time. What he intended was that her caught it precipitate. Thats good. Go to your doctor and communicate him everything and he should be able to receive you on meds.

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I had equal thing myself, it be 17 years ago. Never had an out of the ordinary one since. So, they;'ll probably watch you a bit closer for awhile, hopefully till things go vertebrae to normal

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you want a second opinion. I have a false positive and it can happen. Please move about to a diffirent doctor it can make a diffrence.

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he should call you pay for in for another trial - its no much worse then a pap... like mad of times it can come back typical and they will rule out the other pap if it does - different things can cause a pap to come put money on abnormal... sometimes even seman can do this.
If it is unexpected again... the dr will know what it is that is cause it to be abnormal and inform you what you need to do. :-) Good Luck!

Appreciate your back ladies.?

The first thing you obligation to do is make another appt near your dr to ask for clarification about the results.

The subsequent step that may occur is a colposcopy which is a special variety of exam where they look at the cell a little more closely near a special stain to find out about the abnormality, pilfer some of the cells during that procedure to dispatch off to a lab to see what it shows from that point.

A pap smear is a moment ago a screening tool for cervical cancer.

Precancerous just system that the abnormal cell are a step before cancer.

Ask the dr lots of question about what steps he's going to appropriate in regard to these cells and consent to him know that you are very concerned.

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Wait until you get the results vertebrae for sure. If they've caught it early satisfactory, the doctor will probably just remove the cell and keep an eye on you for awhile.

You could other get a second view and have another pap done, because at hand's a change that the question paper could have be a false positive.

If the cells do turn out to be cancerous, nearby are a lot of treatments out in attendance. Don't worry until you enjoy to. Good luck!

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calm down it'll be ok, u hold cervical dysplasia my mother had like thing, theres 3 stages mild,moderate,and severe , near mild sometimes u don't need treatment , but most doctors close to to remove them to be safe,next to moderate or severe dysplasia the doctor will definitely remove them ,my mom a cone biopsy done witch is a procedure be they safely remove the pre cancerous cell , its amazingly common and it doesn't expect u have cancer or are gonna find cancer, it just highers ur risk, my mom have them removed about 8 years ago and they still haven't come vertebrae, once there removed you'll enjoy to go go and get regular checkups because there is a unsystematic of reoccurring , i know its scary but this is terrifically treatable and i'm sure you'll be okay . good luck

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Cervical cancer is very slow growing. The certainty that you get tested on a regular starting place is brilliant and the fact they get it early is especially good. They may only just have to burn the impossible cell from your cervix and you will need regular trialling. My mother has have the same article happen to her for as long as I can remember. It is exceptionally scarey but thankifully it's cervical cancer which is a very slow growing cancer and you get it early. You should be amazingly safe.

OMG!I'm freaking out can anyone please assistance me?

Just relax. The doc's know what they are doing. Treatment these days are soooo much better than up to that time. The doc is going to watch you though. Good luck sweetie!

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