How do I know About when my first period could happen?

I am 13 and quite influential. I knwo that a 'period is unpredictable' but i wanna be prepared. I enjoy a mucus like discharge and required to know if that has anything to do next to a period. Is here any type of thing I can do to know when my length is coming (within 3 months or so)

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Not that I retract. I got mine at 13. I be active but not "super-athlete"...I played HS sports and did competitive numeral skating.the only rationale I bring it up is because you said you are quite helpful and often those gals won't achieve their period until immensely late (like 16-18). It is tremendously rare though. I'd influence it will probably come very soon. And you won't know when. It be a complete surprise to me.look down when you are going to the bathroom and BAM...there it be.

I got my time of year?

well the mucus like discharge is usual. almost every girl gets it when they are around the time of year age.(9-15) so this kinda has to do beside your period but not really. hope this help.

Help please! Doctors?

I had a clearish/milky discharge for a while since my period. You may also draw from mood swings (upset easily, etc.) and cramps "down here." Some people''s breasts find really sensitive. Ask your mom/aunt/close female relative when she get her period. Yours will probably start around indistinguishable time as hers.

Birth Control Pill/Blood Spotting?

The mucus could be from hormones, but to be honest there is no TRUE way to know when you will start your cycles. To be prepared I would suggest you take a pad within your backpack and your purse so you will have one on mitt when it does happen. You dont want to be at institution and ooops here it shows and not have anything next to you. Enjoy this time with out it as you will hold many years beside it and it can be a pain.

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haha i be just resembling you! whenever i went to the loo i be checking all the time! your mucus stuff is call discharge and it's the vagina cleaning its self. you usually have this for in the order of a year before you certainly get your spell. i had it for going on for a year and a half so everyones different. once you stop 'looking' for your time it will come! mine came on the finishing day of year 9 when we be meant to be going to a sea park, so i got to stay home and mum agree to me eat adjectives these lollies and my dad brought me home some flowers! you feel similar to a princess! i got mine when i be 14, and i thought that is the average age. the defence girls are getting their periods younger and younger is because of heaviness. The average weight to return with your period is 45kg ( i read this somewhere ) and since girls are getting fatter younger they get their period as young as 8 years old-fashioned. you need to weigh a dependable amount to be able to support a toddler. dont worry yours will come soon! also if you are VERY busy sometimes this puts off your time i dont no why and some active girls dont bring back it until they are 18. talk to your mum in the order of it and keep some pad in your room and surrounded by your handbag and in your backpack at school. Still everyones is different i penny-pinching mine was completely light and single lasted almost 2-3 days and my friends was remarkably heavy and have went through her pyjamas when she be sleeping and hers lasted in the order of 7 days.

Good Luck girl!

God is looking after you!!

I dont know why girls complain about their period, because i was a short time ago so happy i get mine, its such a beautiful entity God has created!

If someone swallowed a coin .what appear?is it harm full or not? at the age of10 presently she is 32.?

before my first period i started to sweat, grew more coat on my legs and started having spine growing under my arms. but i feel no cramps when i got it. luckly i still dont take my period by suprise. when i travel to tinkle i get it consequently but i always know when its coming because my tummy will hurt for a while or ill get the impression a little bloated and if i dont bad notice if i start getting moody or ardent. and eventually you start to get your time on certain date. like i would other get them on the 1st.

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