Female problems..any Doctors in the house?

I am 35 and have I don`t know 2 or 3 periods a year. I enjoy been this passageway since the age of 17. I have 3 children so I guess it didn't generate much difference BUT last week I thought I be going to start, I had the P.M.S and cramps. Nothing happen. Now this week my Uterus hurts. Should I be worried and what could this be? Does Anemia have any point to do with regular period? (i have anemia) Thanks for any backing!

will lack of iron stop my time?

Hi Amy,
I'm not a doctor, but I do have a problem similar to yours so I will star your cross-question and check back to see what others vote. When I have a time of year it is usually VERY heavy. I just now began have regular periods (well, at smallest for the last 2 months). I go to the doctor a few years ago because of it, and after having a couple of procedures done she said I be just odd. She said it much nicer, but that's what she meant. I'm ok near it, I know I'm weird surrounded by many ways.

Anyway, you own my support.

Why is my ** swollen inside?

anemia does affect it alot because my mothere has it but when she does enjoy a preiods there lite greatly lite like spots dont verbs talk to a doctr

My Brest..?

if you're already anemic you should be glad you don't enjoy more periods, you'd be within really bad shape afterwards. since you seem to hold really lazy ovaries you may be going into precipitate menopause or something. just work surrounded by a DR office, not a DR. sorry.

what r the first signs of psoriasis?

I don't guess a doctor in or out of the house can give a hand you here! What you need to do is see your own physician who know your medical history and can assess you in party! There are a million mental midgets on here who give anyone any proposal that comes to mind-right or wrong! I wouldn't put much credence in anything that comes out of here!

Tampon question?

I am a nurse-all I can enunciate is that you probably need to step to a doctor and explain the symptoms!
he will put you on pills for about 2 weeks-maybe. i can't influence anything on the top of my head, but I don`t know you are pregnant again!!
i am so sorry honey-i wish I could sustain you more, but I can't!
E-mail me about what happens-here it is:
[email protected]

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