WOMEN HELP ME!! WHAT CAN THIS BE? really worried?

since the first time I had sex I have been worrying roughly pregnancy and I stressed about it 24/7..that be february 1st, used a condom and was during one of my period...my next interval came unsettled, march 3...the 2nd daytime it was tardy I took a urine test at da docs and it be neg..but I still worried bcause I've read that theres a lot of false negative and shorter and lighter periods plan u can be pregnant...

well immediately I've been urinating a great deal more than usual, also I feel this pressure within my stomach like the upper stomach is swollen, pains to hand my left rib pen and lower back dull pain that sometimes runs to my left leg sometimes backache near my not here ovary...can it be something to do with my kidneys or is pregnancy? it doesn't burn or bleed when I urinate, my time of year is due sometime around the 30th, but these pains started about 2 weeks ago..I've be under tremendous pressure thinkin I'm pregnant can that bring this?

i feel resembling somethins pressing against my rib cage

Is it PCOS or something else?

I'm sure I read this question yesterday. My answer is: SEE A DOCTOR!

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take a fuking ept test and shut the fuk up and stop your whining!

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It amazes me how people stress instead of taking feat. Just go to the doctor or filch another pregnancy test. Too undemanding.

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If you used a condom AND it be during your period afterwards honestly the chances that you're pregnant are going on for .01%
Its VERY unlikely.
But anything can happen and not a soul here is a doctor. Doctors wouldnt be on YahooAnswers giving their advice away for free.
Why dont you stir to a pharmacy and purchase a home pregnancy test?
There are some test that you can purchase where two test come in one box. That can cost $10-20. Give that a try.
As long as you're have protected sex then pregnancy is not something you should constantly verbs about.
Take the home test ASAP and then walk to the doctor about your aching.
Good luck!

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The symptoms you are describing would not be an indication that you are pregnant. Frequent urination during pregnancy does not start until around your 7-8th month when the infant is big enough to press against your bladder. See your doctor and describe your pains to him/her. Though they nouns psychological to me.
If having sex cause you this much stress, then you inevitability to stop having it. Sex is suppose to be pleasurable, pleasing and a way to relieve stress and stiffness, not cause it.
While you're at the doctors' ask for a birth control prescription so you can relax and stop worrying adjectives the time. Life's too short.

Pain during sex?

First off, you won't grain the baby pushing against your ribs for a highly long time ..

I'm not sure why, but when I'm sexually active, my time of year gets for a time crazy. Sometimes I'm a day or two overdue and like you, I be in motion nuts worrying. It doesn't sound (to me) resembling you're pregnant at all.

And the stress from adjectives your worrying CAN cause you to hold pains everywhere. But if they continue to bother you, I'd see a doctor or at tiniest talk to a nurse or pharmacist in the region of them.

I'm not sure how old you are, but it might be a angelic idea to take on the pill. If you're having trouble near your period, the pill can assist, not to mention, it can prevent any unwanted pregnancies.

Good luck . and ignore adjectives these rude postings. I don't know why people own to be such jerks!

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You should seek Medical Attention. There are several conditions that may lead to the symptoms you describe.

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Sometimes if a women is really worried and worried that she is pregnant she may develop signs of an actual pregnancy, however, this does not mean that you are contained by fact pregnant. I would dance see a doctor and make it clear that you are really worried just about it. unfortunately (s)he might vote that if you are that stressed out about it, you probably are unwary to have sex. however, try to relaxed down, its ok, go see a doctor and agree to her/him know you are really concerned.

men please answer.?

see a doctor ASAP

I had unprotected sex 3 days previously my period is to start and my guy friend come in me and didn't verbs out.

I'm not a doctor but all I can say-so is relax, if you used protection and were on your extent the 1st time you had sex probability you are pregnant is very slim! I enjoy been contained by your shoes before and know how it feel to worry. The spasm your feeling and stuff could be a little things. Just relax because stress can do a number of things to your body.

Can i grasp pregnant again?

your proberly not pregnant its just surrounded by your mind cause your worried it other happens

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