If you be taking Depo and you switch to yaz will you loose the counterweight you gain from the depo?
Answers: It will embezzle some time for your weight to go down because depo stays within you for some time.
I'm SLOWLY losing the weight from depo provera, which I stopped taking over two years ago!
Oh BTW, my appetite never increased, my eating customs were the same in the past, during, and after depo provera, and the only time I gained counterbalance was while on depo. Birth control will make you gain shipment.
Most of the girls I know who got off of depo are slowly losing the bulk, it just takes time after coming stale of depo as well as dieting to help it even more.
Different individuals have different reactions to Yaz. You may not gain counterweight from it, or you might. You'll never know. I do hear good opinions give or take a few Yaz though..
First of all, birth control can have the side effect of increasing your appetite and perchance increasing water retention. It does not MAKE you gain weight. If you've gain weight it's because of what you've eaten. Also, no you will not magically lose bulk simply because you're switching birth control. In fact, it's not guaranteed that you won't just verbs to gain weight, as increased appetite is a very adjectives side effect of birth control. In order to get rid of the counterweight, you're going to have to diet and exercise just resembling everybody else.
Sucks, but it's true. .
I got off depo and singular lost 10 pounds.