Women Only please ?

What age should you go hold a GYN appointment? And what is the pap test for?
Any other things they do? Is it that it?

I'm worried I will get showery when do touch me...


another silly question..?

if they touch you and you seize wet, capably thats happened a million times formerly, they put you on a bed with your foot in stirrups and next put a speculum in your vagina to begin it up, they inspect it visually and the pap test is taking a smear from the side of your cervix, the doctor will also insert his fingers and next to the other hand hit on your belly to see if there are any lumps anywhere, the pap experiment is testing mostly for cervical cancer, the rest of the trial is looking for lumps tha could be ovarian cancer. they also sometimes insert a finger in your rectum to make sure here are no growths there, and normally they do a manual breast exam as resourcefully , which consists of feeling you, its not a sexual thrill for any the patient or doctor, you will enjoy a female nurse surrounded by there too if the doctor is a manly. you dont need this experiment until you have become sexually stirring , you can also ask them to test for stds at indistinguishable time since it only requires a swab of your vaginal fluids on a slide, it singular takes a second more to do that, and is worth the trouble if you are sexually alive.

Can you get pregnant coming rotten your mentusral cyle?

Well there's not much moved out to explain...the person above me expained it especially well!
But yes, it's middle-of-the-road to be scared your first time. At tiniest i know i was. The room i be in be very cold...especially not have any clothes on, and being worried made it worse. And that 'thingy' they put into your vagina is cold too!
It's really nothing to be anxious about though. It doesn't cart but a few seconds. It may hurt newly a little during those few minutes, but it's zilch serious. And it's for a good explanation...your health!

How tons ladies in the house contemplate that a monthly period is so backbone wrecking?

starwoo gave an excellent answer. Before the doctor enter his fingers in you, by no means its stimulating. Its different from sexual stimulation. It may surface a little discomfited but it wont hurt. The doctor will use a lubricant as well so beside that said.. how are they going to tell that you are drizzly? Besides, They have see everything and you will not look any different from the last 1000 vaginas they saw. Relax it will be fine. You should START going to the GYN EITHER when you attain your first period or you commence sexual activity..(intercourse) The PAP is to testing for many things in the main good and doomed to failure bacteria if its discouraging bacteria they can treat it next to meds ( like a yeast infection) Hope this help

My breast been hurting for similar to 3 days now and i be aware of like i am goin to be really sick when i go to bed?

Go to a feminine doctor for start. There is nothing sexual give or take a few the consultation, because there's zilch exciting in laying on a table next to paper clothing. You are lately a pacient, the doctor will tell you exactly what she will do and you will be fine.

The recommended age is when you start your sexual existence or at 21.

Period Pains, what helps?

If you are lower than 21 and have be sexually active for 3 years or more afterwards you need a pap oral exam. Otherwise if you have not have sex, then you do not stipulation to go until you're 21.

There is some righteous information about Pap smears for girls here http://www.iemily.com/article-343.html...

Usually during these appointments in the past or after the pap smear they will do an internal examination to grain your womb and ovaries. During an internal examination they will put on gloves and insert 2 fingers into your vagina and also press on your lower tummy. Sometimes they will also examine your breasts to check for lumps. They usually whip your blood-pressure and ask you questions just about your general strength and sometimes about your interval. You will need to diary your appointment at a certain time of your cycle, they will be capable of tell you when they prefer that to be.

And I can totally reassure you that you **will not** obtain wet!! They do not touch you within an arousing way at adjectives, it is not in any course a pleasurable experience! Most women (including me) are nervous up to that time they have it done, and I've have too many to count!

Take someone along you trust approaching your best friend, Mum or older Sister, it other used to help me when I first used to stir.

You're gonna be fine! And in a matter of no time you'll be dreading it resembling the rest of us!

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