What are the safe periods of conraception. i mean the first 7days of menstrautiont r safe period ?

the first 7 day of menstration is the risk-free period, we dont hold to use any sort of contaception & again the 7 days before the subsequent menstraution. is it true.

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That is a adjectives misconception. Sperm can survive for many days within the vagina, cervix & upward. And even if you just menstruated, don't assume you're past the worst... you never know when you might ovulate early. Most females ovulate just about two weeks before the term begins... but that's not the crust for every female. I've prearranged women who had sex while menstruating, and concluded up pregnant because they thought they were risk-free. If you want to avoid pregnancy, you should use protection every time. No protection, no sex

No-bounce bra question,?

The first tree days after a length are the most fertile ones, so I would put it at about a week since and into aperiod.

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Day one of your period to daylight eight are safe. Day eighteen to twenty eight are safe and sound. Day 8 thru 18 are your highest pregnancy risk days.

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Whether you can become pregnant or not depends on when you ovulate (ovulation, in defence you didn't know, is when an egg is released once a month from your ovary to be fertilized), and the days surrounding that and when you've had sex. This is not necessarily the week after you hold your period, and some women even ovulate DURING their time of year. If you don't know when you ovulate, always assume you can become pregnant.

Different women ovulate at different times. To find out when your safest times to own sex are, you need to track your ovulation and the rest of your cycle greatly carefully. It's probably best to bargain to your doctor about this, and hold him/her explain the Natural Family Planning method of birth control to you and how to go around it as safely as you can.

I want to caution you that these kinds of methods are individual about 80% potent, that's five percent less than the typical efficiency of a condom, and it does not protect from any STDs.

Planned Parenthood on the effectiveness of Fertility Awareness Based birth control methods:

"How Well These Methods Work

Of 100 couples who use any of these methods for one year, 20 women will become pregnant next to typical use. The failure rate is high for single women. Combining the various methods next to careful and consistent use and have no unprotected vaginal intercourse during the fertile phase can give better results.

Of 100 couples who use the warmth method for one year with ultimate use, two women will become pregnant.

Of 100 couples who use the cervical mucus method for one year with correct use, three women will become pregnant.

Of 100 couples who use the calendar method for one year with ideal use, nine women will become pregnant.

Few couples, however, are able to use these methods faultlessly. "

If you want to read more about instinctive family planning methods, dance to: http://www.plannedparenthood.org/birth-c...

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You can get pregnant at any time during your cycle, even during your extent. There are times where the likelihood are slim, but there is other a chance. Always use birth control.

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