Survery on abortion?

Please answer all

1: Do you know the current statute on abortion and when it was put into effect?

2. Would you regulation the current law? Why?

3. Are you pro choice or Pro-life? Why?

4. When do you consider a fetus a Human?

5. When does a fetus own rights?

Dos spel chec rily wurk?

1 is pretty much covered.

I'll start with 4: I believe a fetus should be considered a living human once it have brain activity consistent near consciousness. This is the counterpoint to how we define annihilation - a cessation of higher height brain function. Once higher brain function starts, I infer we have to consider it a living human. Prior to that point, we hold living human cells (which is also what we own when someone has suffered brain extermination but is on life support). But its not _yet_ a living human.

5: It would appear reasonable to assign it rights at the point dictated above (which is somewhere in the 10 week -16 week stage, next to more research, we'll get closer to knowing. 10 weeks in that is brain funtion, but its more like neural spasms after higher rank thought). Its an interesting question as to how you buy and sell with interrupt done to the fetus before that point, and I haven't figure that one out.

2: I would change the current ruling to make access to abortion easier prior to the fetus becoming a living human, and impossible unless medically indispensable for the mother's health afterwards. I reflect its been a huge cop-out by the medical and permissible professions to not step forward and sort this out. We don't ask grieving families to bring in up their minds as to whether grandma is dead or alive, we recount them 'we consider her legally unmoving' or 'she's alive still'. It is disgusting to me that leading medical researchers and legalists thrust this outcome at 14 year old girls 'gee, its up to you to prefer if its a living human or not, whatcha gonna do?'. Specifically, you'd note from a allowed standpoint I'd tighten up late permanent status abortions, while making things like emergency contraception or RU-486 much easier to get hold of.

3: Am I pro choice or pro-life? I'd almost say both. Up until its a living human, choice. Once its a living human, that trumps parental choice. Parents can't choose to commit infanticide.

Why do women hold to wait until they are 40 to enjoy a mammagram done?

1. Roe v. Wade. January 22, 1973

2. No.

3. Pro-choice.

I'll take the 5th on the rest. LOL

How humiliated is it for you young ladies?

1.By the hasty 20th century, many countries have begun to standardize abortions when performed to protect the go of the woman, and in some cases to protect the strength of the woman.

2.I wouldn't like to answer this I don't know the full ruling and I personally chew over this is something the woman in question requests to answer and only she can construct that decision.

3.I would utter pro choice. why? read number 2.

4. when everything is in order. the eyes snout mouth lungs heart ect...

5. Unfortunately you cant say the fetus have rights because it didn't ask to be born so its faith lays surrounded by the hands of those who conceived it.

This is a massively hard subject to touch on and respectively and every woman is and has a defence for her choice and that is what populace need to realise. Its the woman's right to choose. I apprehend when you would say its wrong to waste a fetus. but its easy for us to stand aside and enunciate this, but that woman is carrying that life and if she feel that she can not provide for her child enough love and food and comfort, we own no right to judge her. She will live next to her choice for the rest of her life. and its other the ones who want a child that are left to struggle for one and those who don't want a child give the impression of being to be given one.

Birth control question?

1: Do you know the current tenet on abortion and when it was put into effect?: no unfortunatly i do not. i suggest it is legal though

2. Would you loose change the current law? Why?
i would revise it. the baby is alive. we hold no right to murder it just because it's not convienient to own a baby

3. Are you pro choice or Pro-life? Why?
Abortion is murder, some people believe the baby isnt alive until after it's born. IT HAS A HEART BEAT IT IS ALIVE.
if you can't business deal with the consequenses dont own sex. it is INCREDIBLY selfish to expiration an innocent baby's natural life just because it's not convienient for you. you are the babe-in-arms's mother, you're all it have and then you step and murder it.

4. When do you consider a fetus a Human? as soon as it is created it is alive

5. When does a fetus have rights? every human have a right to live! murder is wrong, what makes us devise that murder is okay as long as we don't want the baby or it's not out of the womb however.

If a woman doesn't think she can nick care of her newborn, well she should enjoy thought of that before have sex!
If she wants whats best for her child, and not just herself, next give it up for adoption. i.e. being a angelic mother. killing your toddler because you can't take comfort of it is selfish. you can't cart care of it, do whats best for both of you and confer the baby to someone who can.

i enjoy little breast size.because of harmones imbalance. doctor adviced me use harmone pills.may i use?

1. No i dont.

2. Dont know

3. Pro choice. I believe every women have a choice. But i wouldnt have an abortion myself,i know what happen to the baby,i a moment ago couldnt do it.

4. Yes i would, even though it hasnt fully formed into a baby however. It will.

5. As soon as it conceived.

Some one has put a curse on me how do i seize rid of it ?

1. nope
2. pro-choice
3. yes
4. when it can live outside the human body
5. when it can live outside the human body

Could my birth controll be causing mood swings?

1. abortion is became court in 1973 when a women lied to the supreme court nearly being raped at a circus they next ruled abortion legal which according to our Constitution have no right to do because only the Congress have the right to make law.

2. Yes..abortion is murder

3. Pro-life

4. A fetus is a human being at the point of conception no situation how it was conceived

5. Since i stated above that a fetus is a human at the point of conception consequently they should have rights at that time also. It is improper to kill a human it should be no different solely because the human is still growing inside of his mother

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