Ok. i think this is my period,but i don't. it is not a regular flow. i know my period and it never do what it

is doing.i did have sex 3days beforehand my pd.i have a 28day cycle,but it come the 29th day. and it isnot usual i do not have a steady flow.i go 4 hrs with one and the same pad on. sometimes its red,sometimes its brown. i don't know what it is doing.i did own some blood clots but not alot. this all started yesterday on the 2nd of april and i wore a pantyliner that hole day. i did see some red in the pantyliner accompanied by the nite in the restroom and 7 oclock surrounded by the morning it was adjectives brown. on 3rd of april it has not be a normal flow. my per is alway on the dot and regular, it is never unnormal.is it my per. cud i b pregnant? i am confused?

What is considered normal regarding PMS.?

If you own always be regular then I would be wondering the cross-question of being pregnant. I did that and latter became sick come to find out I be 8 weeks pregnant

I have a sound out for girls only plz.?

This sounds approaching it could be implantation bleeding, which occurs inside the first two weeks of pregnancy when the fetus attaches itself in the uterine wall, displacing some of the endometrium. I'd give somebody a lift a pregnancy test. If it's gloomy, I wouldn't worry roughly speaking it unless your next few period are screwy and then I'd see a doctor to check you out for a hormonal problem or another strength issue.

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You could be pregnant. This could be implantation spotting or another form of mild pregnancy-related bleeding. On the other hand, this could be a length for you. Sometimes your period can be exceptional for many reason. Take a pregnancy test.

UTI next to single dose of antibiotic, how soon must you take after sexual intercourse?

I am pretty childlike, so I haven't done anything to get my pregnant, but don't verbs. Mine was four days tardy this week, and I hate period. The brown could just be that your intake or drinking something or maybe it is the sperm from hopefully your husband. It could be refuse as well, merely a hint.

About sex near woman?

well the same happend to me this weekend. i missed my length for 12 days and when i finally got it it started beside a small flow but then get bigger than the next days it be turning brown i dont know if its normal though possibly were pregnant!

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