How do one treat vigina discharge?


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It would depend on the impose of the discharge. It is normal to get hold of a certain amount of clear discharge anyway, and this vary according to the time of month, turning less clear after ovulation. But if you are have any discharge above your normal level and/or has a different appearance to everyday you need to find this checked out. The treatment would depend on the cause so it really wants to be checked. Your health practitioner will embezzle a swab and determine the cause and treat according to the raison d`??tre.

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Grab a spoon and verbs in!

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By seeing a Dr.
It's natural but if you see that it's a stange color or it smells you could hold an infection. Go see your GYN.

Help me please?

It depends on what type of discharge. If you want share that, you will get better results. If it is a yeast infection, you can take Monistat. If it is a form of bacteria, you can gain antibiotics from the doctor.

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discharge is normal at hand really ain't anything u can do to stop it, but if u wanna feel cleaner u can other try useing feminine wipes, to lend a hand u feel more fresh

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Up to the equivalent of two teaspoons is totally ordinary, daily. If it really bothers you, wear a pantyliner.

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