During sex, ladies is this true?

There seems to be this big trend in the region of women who quote "squirt" during orgsm. Suposidly with direct G-spot stimulation, will usually result surrounded by the fermale squirting an ejaculate type substance upon orgasm. However, most gynocologists say this is simply urine. Ladies, what is true? Now what we do know, is the during G-spot stimulation, most women enjoy an urge to pee sensation, so this makes sense. I miserable, I love to bring my lady to her filter using both oral and finger stimulation to the G-spot, she squirts when she orsms for sure using this method, but since I'm down there, i gain a facefull of? pee? I sure hope not.


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Most gynecologists don't exactly spend a lot of their week trying to acquire a girl to orgasm in different ways though do they? I don't reflect on it's usually pee, but even if it is, what's so bad just about a face full of pee? Hahaha! Pee is faultlessly safe to drink you know. So bring in at hand boy!

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yes its true that it is just plain urine, i am not a gynecologist but im a nurse who know about it too.. i know, it is sooo disgusting..

from my human sexuality class, women hold orgasm inwardly and not through ejaculation process ( which is only middle-of-the-road for guys)

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no-- a okay bred women will ejaculate just approaching a man enjoy

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Actually near is a sponge like fabric that surrounds the clitoris(internally, 90% of the clitoris is internal), called the urethral sponge, and it can become drenched with a clear fluid produced by the skenes gland, principally when the female is aroused. When the right nerves and msucles are stimulated to orgasm a woman can "squirt" these fluids and they come out of her urethra giving the synopsis of urine. If you've ever watched pornography that focuses on this specific even you will become aware of that the fluid is never yellow approaching urine, it's always clear. It may contain traces of urine, since it is coming from the urethra, but it is indubitably NOT "just plain urine"

What shante is chitchat about is have an orgasm from contracting her kegel muscles for extended periods of time surrounded by an effort not to pee, that's something totally different.

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