This may sound gross but it is a serious question?

I only own bowel movements once maybe twice a this hygienic? Should I go to the doctor? I get through plenty during the week, where is my body putting it adjectives?

Breast question?

Some ethnic group only enjoy bowel movements 2 times per week.It actually take 3 days for some foods like meat to digest.This sounds gross,but the pretext stool and gas smell so bad is b/c the meat in actuality rots before you elapse it.If your are concerned then see a doctor and he will be capable of tell if your bowel behaviour are normal.

Brownish discharge, no smell, havent have sex, what could it be?

That is normal

Okay, have been bulimic for eleven years, what strength problems am I looking at?

this could be very usual for you. it varies next to each party. dont waste your time or money at the doc unless your have severe pain, or bleeding when you poop.

as a youthful woman at what age Im a ready to be pragnent?

Alot of folks don't have a regular calendar that they go every daytime. Fiber can help too. Also breed sure you are drinking all of your fluids and are not dry.

How to get my boobs bigger?

It's moderately common, but you should probably munch through more fibre - fresh fruit etc - to relieve keep things moving. I one and only go every couple of days. My husband go twice a day.

I have protected sex w/my bf and jus went on the pill but hold reached the white pills and enjoy no period?

If you are not mortified then don't verbs about it. If you get the impression cramping then you might want to supply some fiber to your diet. If you need to draw from your bowels moving, try walking for awhile and make sure you are drinking 8 specs of water a sunshine. Good luck and God bless

where can I find polarized nonsunglasses for light sensitive eyes similar to mine?

you should be going almost everyday. your body is keeping it stored in your intestines. Most people own between five to 15 pounds of fecal matter inside them. you inevitability to increase your fiber and water intake. but more marine is a must. If you just increase fiber that can brand you constipated. you need the river to flush it out. Maybe you could look for a good colon cleanse system. their are some worthy ones out there that you can use minus really changing your diet. Look for Zands Quick cleanse. it is singular seven days you will feel seriously better.

Yeast infection??

Honestly you are supposed to go twice a light of day. Like you said where is adjectives the stuff going. It is building up inside your colons and intestines. It is very erudite to get fiber rich product into your diet and conceivably even a colon cleanse. Drink plenty of fluids and you may even lose weight once you cleanse your colon!! Good luck !!

I have need of help doomed to failure!!?

Everyone has a different 'middle-of-the-road' bowel schedule. I myself can move about for almost 2 weeks with out have any movements. But some people I know hold to have one or more everyday or they touch bloated. I was forced to jump to the doctor for this once and she made me keep a magazine of all I ate, tested me, and concluded that be my normal agenda. I didn't need extramural fiber or anything like that. So my proposal to you is listen to your body. If it didn't just adjectives of a sudden start and you feel fine don't verbs about it basically cause 'everydayers' enlighten you that you should.

Thong underwear?

first its not gross second its normal

What happen to women when they get horny?

that is NOT NORMAL!! you involve to go see a doctor and give somebody a lift care of that ASAP.. because if you permit it go on for longer you could call a halt up with colon cancer. Go to the doctor and buy yourself a colon cleanser or detox cleanser. Dont permit it get to the point where on earth you bleed in your poop because thats already a symptom of colon cancer. Like u said where on earth does it all progress? its all stuck contained by your intenstines and if you take a while to stir to the bathroom it becomes intricate and stuck to the walls of your intenstines. do change your diet a bit, guzzle healthy and drink lots and lots of hose down. Try not to eat a great deal of red meat because red meat takes 7 days to fully digest contained by your body and pretty much you have rotten be going to inside you that has a bunch of toxins and is really fruitless for you. I will go see a nutritionist or a doctor. Please purloin care of that in the past its to late. Dont listen to those ethnic group that say it is mundane, it is not normal. My mom basically finished dieing from colon cancer because she didnt take fastidiousness of it early. So cart care of yourself you solitary live 1 life. and you might contemplate that something as simple as not going to the bathroom everyday doesnt matter .. okay it does! Another trigger to that problem could also be stress , those are all things you entail to analyze and get to the root of it.. but approaching i said ... do something about it and sudden!

I have a problem near theseplease help me!?

I would voice that as long as you feel in good health, don't feel constipated or bloated, you're fine.

Dryness issue?

Actually specifically NOT normal. You should be going at smallest once a day! Some race go less(me person one of them) due to a poor diet. IF this concerns you, go to your Dr.

How do i know this discharge is typical? (women ONLY!)?

some people are close to that. there are others that move about every time they have a big buffet. it's true. I have be out with a group of folks. and some of them every time they go out to munch through. they go right after. as long as your idea ok your stomach don't hurt or you don't feel bloated your fine. immediately if you physically feel discomfort do to removal of not going. then, to be precise constipation. and to fix it. drink more water and keep watch on out for foods that you know to cause you problems.

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