How long does breakthourgh bleeding last?


When you skip your period, do you accumulate your eggs and have menopause latter?

anywhere from 10 days to nearly a year
6-8 weeks or about 2 cycles

Did you enjoy a wound infection after your C section ?

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Breakthrough bleeding is bleeding while taking the busy pills of oral contraceptives, or other hormonal contraceptives. The bleeding is usually light, commonly referred to as "spotting," though a few women may experience heavier bleeding. Breakthrough bleeding is most common when a woman first begin taking oral contraceptives, or changes from one singular oral contraceptive to another, though it is possible for breakthrough bleeding to happen at any time.

Many women find that the breakthrough bleeding cease after one or two cycles. Breakthrough bleeding that does not resolve on its own is a common root for women to switch to different Pill formulations, or to switch to a non-hormonal method of birth control.

Breakthrough bleeding is most commonly caused by an excessively glutinous endometrium (uterine lining). This is not a dangerous condition, though the unpredictable and normally lengthy period of bleeding are unpleasant for the woman. Breakthrough bleeding may also be caused by hormonal side effects of ovulation. If the Pill is not suppressing ovulation, the woman is at soaring risk of pregnancy. Breakthrough bleeding may also itself be a symptom of pregnancy (contraceptive failure).

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