EMERGENCY! females only unless a doctor?

i had sex next to my boyfriend yesterday and then resembling 2 hours later i started premonition tingly in my vagina like i have to urinate so i went to the bathroom. As soon as i get up [taking a piss] i felt close to i had to travel again [ it keeps doing that i enjoy to keep going to the bathroom approaching evry 5 seconds and lone 5 drops come out no exaggerations!] and this isn't the first time that it happened. the ultimate time it happened it be one of the worst couple-of-days in my duration suffering through that same thing. can anyone please relieve me because i think it's coming rear legs again please or tell me whats stirring!! PLEASE!! ( this problem is really getting me mad that i even cried!it's really bothering me )


Iam 32, tubal 9 years ago, i hold many problems right side hurts, pp on my self when i cough. whats wrong?

It's call cystitis - you have an infection in your bladder, it's adjectives after you've had sex. You involve to drink lots of water to flush out the infection, drink cranberry liquid which is good for the bladder, and if things are really bleak go to the local pharmacy and ask them for something to treat cystitis - you can buy it over the counter, you don't want a prescription.

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