How u feel at the time of period and what u do please guide?

actuay i m about to own period, i do not hold anyone m leaving at hostel so i tail off to ask anyone please tell everything how u tax how to take precaution any risk within intercouse before or after please relay everything. i am really worrking some tell it furnish lot of pain etc...

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Dear Rosy, too bad that you didn't tel how old-fashioned you are. Than I could give you for a moment bit better informations, but I assume that you're very babyish.

To start from the basics ( this is gonna be a long reply)!

When you're have your period, your body is cleaning your wound to prepare your body for subsequent ovulation ( process in which your egg leaves ovaries ands starts to flow toward wound, to be fertilized and if fertilization happen, it will get implanted int the wound and toddler will start to grow). If fertilization doesn't happen, a wasted layer of the wound get peeled rotten together with the unfertilized egg, and near a slight bleeding is getting washed away from the body. That's PERIOD!

This process is conducted by hormones. How long it's gonna run for egg after the period to leaves ovaries, depends from entity to person, but it's usually 14 days. 14 DAYS AFTER EGG LEFT OVARIES, PERIOD WILL START!
This process, if you have steady cycles you can work out when you can get pregnant! Don't forget that egg lives for 48 hrs, and men's seamen as economically, so 48 hrs before and after ovulation, it's 99% sure that you WILL find pregnant. Just in baggage, it's smart to count 4 days before and after ovulation to use protection if you don't want babies. The rest should be nontoxic.
DANGER! Hormones can get imbalanced by starvation, stress ( like big shock, big delight, big sorrow ), irregular sleeping some medications... That's why this method of protection is 75% sheltered. Hormones might get messed up, and your ovulation might gonna come a week too rash or too late. In that defence you might be in trouble. If you're living a majority life beside not too much stress, you're not taking any strong medications ( I don't regard as of the painkillers, but something stronger like antidepressant) and you're not getting married that month, this method should work.

Since cycle is conducted next to hormones, few days before time you might already feel slight change ( hormones affect a lot of aspects surrounded by human body, even a behavior). You can feel that you're getting more violent than usual, sometimes your can feel close to your breasts are getting a little bit bigger ( I never awareness that, but my boyfriend is always happier contained by those days) even your peristaltic can become slower. This is called PMS ( Pre Menstrual Syndrom). It usually starts 2-3 days formerly period itself. When time itself starts, except of bleeding you will feel resembling something is "brewing" inside of your wound. Pain in the crutches is possible as well. Will you merely feel for a while bit unpleasant or you will actually experience a strong aching, depends from person to entity. If you're body is making more hormones, your pain will be bigger ( but you'll delight in love making more as well, so it's not so unpromising after all ). If your backache is too big, you can go to see gynecologist and ask him to prescribe you anty-baby pills. That instrument you won't be able to stay pregnant, and your extent pain will almost disappear. That's a standard procedure surrounded by my country ( I'm from Croatia).
Influence of the hormones is getting bigger by years. Hormones are on their peak form the age of 30 to 35 ( at smallest in Europe), and contained by these time you can expect that your pain will be the biggest, but your desire as very well.

Regarding making love during period, yes it's true that within those days your body is more vulnerable than usual, and it's easier attain infected. It is also be messy ( if you want to do it in those times, I suggest to you to use some other area, and not the bed - shower make a good choice). Although profoundly of women don't want to do that in those times ( they be aware of dirty and undesirable), I was surprised when i realize that most of the men don't mind that too much ( because of my job I'm contained by contact with inhabitants from all over the world - I work on a cruise ship, and this statement works for guys from adjectives over the world, Indian guys included). So it's up to you and your loved one if you'll do it in those times or not. If you will, just be extra meticulous regarding cleanliness ( an alternative + for shower )

I would just resembling to say that adjectives these things that I wrote we learn within a 7th grade of elementary college ( in the age of 13 ). It's a short time ago so sad that your governing body is not giving you these informations in your school. So much of sadness could be avoided if you people know these things in good time ( guys included).

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Honey youre lucky. My cramps just almost kills me. I own no time to think in the region of how I feel. And have sex during periods is messy & unclean. Cant you just lurk for a few days?

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although it cramps little past day of extent still it gives really give extreme satisfaction ..i know few girls who reflect it tedious...enjow enjow and enjow rosy if u are girl (its difficult at web to assume sex of person u r ans)its sigh of womenhood even if complexity inside makes me assume what is evolution role of having this wastefull process of have periods...okay I really dont know mensoutlook of having sex to women have periods ... although I enjoy no intercorce until now but get the impression its cool to have at any time of womanly cycle if its true do you know that you are about to enjoy periods its cautious and can have at any age between 10-16?

Summers eve, i've used it & presently i have some irritation. i'm on my term so should i use a tampon?

if your asking help in the order of periods consequently why are you messing intercourse in it,call your mother on phone and go and get help.and also dont forget to use condoms if you really do it.

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