Please help!! Can stretch marks in your breast go away when getting a breast augmentation?
i had a epidural 11 months ago,next to my son been have lower back and spine twinge is this normal?
it will just make it worse. stretch results never fade away, except for getting a laser treatment of some sort.
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I hold 14 month old son. And mine get huge and the marks will not jump away.Can someone give me a several weeks program on developing the lats?
yeah the skin don't stretch no more, if you want it to progress away put vitamin E on your skin that works really well trust me on this it work for me and everyone i knowWhat is the best route to get rid of spell cramps?
No they won't go away, but your boobies will be bigger so you won't mind the stretch marks as much. If your stretch grades are red right now, they eventually will dissolve to be much less clear.Does the "Race for the cure" (The Susan Komen foundation) support abortion?
dont ever get augmentation.breasts grow near the hips and make you look balanced
my friend did a gain a bunch of weight...
next she was podgy and had small boobs (compared to her hips)
and she looked desperate
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