Allergic to Pads/Liners.?

I am allergic to both pads and liner of all different brands but Tampons are okay-although you can single wear a Tampon for so long. Any suggestions? (Real stuff no bull *).

I need to lose immensity ASAP. HELP!!?

You should only wear tampons while you menstruate, so if you involve something for your in between times (vaginal discharge), I might suggest cotton underwear. Its far more absorbent than synthetic materials and can support alleviate the moisture discomfort issue.

I understand completely what you have it in mind about allergies. It be the reason I started using tampons when I be 14; post partum was unqualified misery for me!

I've just well-read to use the lightest absorbency tampons for my needs and I wear cotton underwear exclusively.

Hope these suggestions support.

Which birth control promotes the most breast growth?

Use resusable cloth pads, or a menstrual cup. Cloth pad are chemical free and better for the enviornment, they should help you. If you approaching tampons better you'd probably love a menstrual cup - it's a silicone cup you insert into the vagina to catch the flow. They don't dry you out or put you at risk for TSS close to tampons do, and you can leave it contained by for 12 hours!

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