Im 13 and i havent gotten my first period what exactly are the symptoms??please help me!!?

im 13 i have no theory what ovulating is and i havent gotten my period and i wanna know what the symptoms of a first spell is

foot question?

Different girls start their time of year at different ages. So, it may be perfectly typical for you to not have started your extent.

Ovulation means when your ovaries release an egg. When women start "ovulating," it funds that an egg is released and travels down your fallopian tubes. Your body prepares by building up blood in the uterus to prepare for the egg to be fertilized and implanted. If it is not fertilized by sperm, the egg dies and your body (uterus) releases the blood, which is your period.

The symptoms of starting time of year each month are also different for respectively person. Some individuals get tender breasts right earlier. Some get cramps surrounded by their pelvic area.

Finally, I don`t know you should talk to your parents or a trusted clan member give or take a few your questions. They are the best source of info.

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Check out the link below. And soak up it while you can, cause once you acquire it you will wish you never did.

Birth control?

To detail you the truth I didn't notice any symptoms when I get my period. You may not receive your period for a few years still so don't verbs.

How to maximize her "O"?

You should be talking beside your mother or an aunt, Honey. But there are books out in attendance that can tell you what you want to know, even vigour textbooks.

And don't verbs: Not everyone starts their cycles at 13, or experiences them in fairly the same means of access.

Small girls?

im 13 and just get mine a year ago the 1st time the only symptom be a chololate craving a few days before and every other times it be either cramps or nought at all

Is something wrong next to me ?

You should talk to an elder adult womanly that you trust to answer this question.

Ladies & Gentleman?

Okay. It's ok if you haven't have your period even if you're 13. Some family start from ranges of 3rd grade to big school! Some symptoms that can assistance you recognize when you're going to start is give or take a few 2 years after your breasts have grown. A white 'slimey' type of goo beside start leaving your vagina and you may or may NOT hold cramps before your extent starts... Your punic hair will start to grow and your breasts will become improbably shaped. Everyone is different, so i cannot tell you when you'll start... hope i help some!


remember that there is no rush to start it- even if it technique something like getting a cellular or getting your ears pierced-- because the latter you start the happier you'll be because you won't have to verbs about it!!

Bleeding Questions?

dont verbs..

i didnt gt mine till i was something like 14 1/2

I Got no symptms till it started

try looking at

I hope this helps

Good luck

What is ?

Uhmm... well some citizens dont get their time of year until they are 15 or even 16. I mean depends. Uhmm.. a sign would be lower abdominal pains. Back ache, head ache, mood swing. It can be a number of things

Missed Period, Negative HTP.?

First of adjectives, lamb, "symptom" is a word associated with condition or disease. When you do get your interval you won't be suffering from an unnatural condition or illness.
Second, when your time arrives you will know! No mistake about it! The facing of your womb will shed. It will come out as a red fluid, but only contains give or take a few a tablespoon of actual blood (on average.) You need to be prepared for this by making sure you own sanitary products available. Buy some junior sized sanitary napkins, like Always or any other brand, they come prewrapped and you can fetch them in your purse. They hold adhesive that you expose by removing a composition strip and pressing the pad firmly into your panties. There is nil else you need to do, except know how to practice righteous hygiene during your cycles.
Do shower or bathe. Don't believe outdated wives tales that you are "open" and shouldn't achieve into water. Not true. Do clean your hands in the past and after changing your wipe every 4 hours or when you go to the bathroom. Exposure to nouns is what causes odor from the body fluids, so varying after going to the washroom is a good notion. Do dispose of the pad properly (you can wrap it contained by the plastic pouch it came within and put it in the trash. DON'T flush it.
Do verbs your regular activities.
Some girls and women experience mild breast pain and/or cramps with their period. This is normal. You can hold a tylenol or two. Not everyone has this problem.
You are not overdue for your body. Every girl is different. Some do not have their first interval until they are 19. I had my first at 14. Don't worrry.
I also insist on you to talk to your mom or a institution nurse if you have more question.

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you will get your term when your body is ready.
here are some signs like:
you will put on for a time weight
your face will show it the most.
you may start to own break outs on your face
you may feel cramping in the stomach area
some girls start to obtain underarm and pubic hair
some start to get breasts
I suggest you will be fine with this information for now
the ovulation,conception,birth control are adjectives things you will find out about contained by your journey to womanhood
I remember this time contained by my life well
I be 131/2 when I got it
in that was this great book within the school library
it wasn't informative so much as a great story for you at this time of your life
it is called
Are You There God, It's Me Margaret?
by Judy Blume
I hope you read it !!
I know I would again today self in my 40's that tell you how good it be!
enjoy person who YOU are now..other good luck

Clots within period and bleak cramps?

If you see anything reddish, brown on your panties, later that's it. You won't feel touching changes or physical on the other hand. You might feel cramps. Don't verbs, make sure you enjoy your lady products surrounded by your back pack and next to you all the time. Your first extent isn't heavy. It is enormously light.

I own had 2 period but I am naseous during the second on could I be pregnant?

uneasy stomach aches
CRANKYNESS thats hard to control

hope this help..

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