I inevitability a breast slackening! But too ashamed to enlighten parents... please give a hand!?

Yes, my boobs are constantly making me suffer physically, emotionally and socially!

I'm 17 and a 36 DDD cup and have be cursed with full-size breasts since 12. For the last 5 years of my young adulthood the situation has solely worsened. All this time I've been incredibly self-conscious and depressed because other kids at school rejected me and call me names. When I'm out within public I get stared at. Plus my relatives adjectives comment about my massiveness.

My parents enjoy very different attitudes towards breasts than me - mum think "bigger = better".

I wanna tell my parents I call for breast reduction surgery, even tho it's immensely expensive ($7000 or more) and Medicare won't cover it. I want to stop this perpetual suffering and have the operation when I turn 18. I hope it can be a reward for completing university, instead of a new saloon or a holiday to USA they proposed to me. But I'm also v. embarrassed to detail them my secret.

BTW, I also emaciated $300 on "Alexia Breast Reduction Pills" that didn't even work !

Answers:    Well you need to have a chat to your parents as you are under 18.

When you are over 18 and lower than your own insurance, go articulate to a PS about your requirement for a breast reduction.

You can achieve it covered by insurance, mine covered it 100%!

Have you appealed to Medicare about getting covered?
Just linger till you turn 21. Your feeling might amendment , your still only 17.
I WAANNTTTT BIGGG BOOOBSSSS!! Tell them straight that it is hurting you and that it is putting alot of pressure on your rear legs and that you cant handle that.
You hold nothing to be ashamed of..
if you really want this cut rate and have thought roughly the dangers of the surgery and want to stir through the physical pain (yea- at hand may be pain and numbness for a few days, I don`t know even weeks) and you are REALLY sure about it afterwards go for it.
a short time ago talk to your mum, try to return with her to understand YOUR emotional state about your body and that you don't really agree near her point of view. Im sure she'll slip away it on to your dad and instead of the car you may catch what you want

But you should be 150% sure about your outcome. Good luck
I say breast expansion for you.. Well i would suggest you first talk beside a guidance/School councelor or other female tutor that you feel comfortable speaking near in regard to this. Also get a few friends to abet you get the bravery to confront the parents. There are certain groups who will stand beside you and abet you talk beside your parents and help answer any question you forget. They usually have parents come upon you at their office. Also a institution councelor and such can arrange this even easier.

The emotional impact and the physchological effects can be dangerous and life alterning. Advise parents what you grain and how you feel and ask for their support. Now in that are woman who want real breast tissue (woman next to breast cancer escpecially) and in some cases the surgery can be remunerated for including the aftercare by the orginization that help these woman who no longer enjoy that feeling of a bust column anymore.

You would be donating the unwanted gift to someone who needs/wants them.
I hope you know though that nearby will be scaring and possible complications and at hand will be alot of bruising!

If the breasts are only bothersome because of the mockery and staring i would find some way to draw attention away from them. Granted alot of pervs stare and it's understandable what they want, and you don't want that attention.

As far as the teasing go, your already 17 and the teasing is not because they detest you it's because they want and you have!

In any avenue i preference you the best of luck and hope you can find some alternative that makes you joyous!
Please do not be so tensed on the size.ppl who make rude comments are a moment ago jealous so adopt it.u have to appreciate your body the process it is..and 7000$$ is far too exp...wear a little loose clothing so the size is not highlighted..by the time u are elder you will accept them from what I here your not surrounded by America.
But if you in to guys mos of them here close to women like you and in reality strive to find women like you.
But if you still want to take them reduced tell your parent they will have a handle on.
well try to receive a refund for the pills thell the company they dident work if they wont do anything dispuit it beside the credit card company tell them you thought it be guaranteed to work and play dumb.well medacare wont do it after you got to work the system see your d.r. and communicate him you having rear legs pain and you cant do gym it hurts wiht the bra on and stale and piont to your back shoulder blades so they will thinkyour boobs are to chunky and they will consider it and tell them its worse in need your bra and it feels similar to its pulling and something is goig to rip.if they say no appeal it and they usally pay for down and do it i know its not right to play the system but sometimes you got to i enjoy to get a medical serguyr they did not want to cove because they said its cosmetic so i hope this help if you need anything email me ok truse me i get big ones to and know your pain I would enjoy to agree with your mother on the if u get em flaunt em theory, however i tend to suffer from itty bitty titty syndrome.
first of adjectives the other girls at school longing they had your bust and to be exact why they reject you. Just remember that the most important issue here is your vigour. And if you explain to your parents how important this is to you im sure they will support you 100%
if you are feeling like to give up a modern car or a holiday next im sure this will help them realise that this is central. perhaps you should do some research since you approach your parents on the health issues on the subject of large breasts and focus on using those points a bit than "i hate em and they gross me unpopular" perhaps consequently they will be more understanding.
pious luck!
Ok, first of all bigger is not other better. It is allot head/back ache beside a bigger chest. It can effect your posture, self confidence ect. Your body has to compensate for adjectives the weight contained by the front of your body. So heres the thing, 1st you obligation to let your body finish growing, and really reason if a reduction is what you want. Also, you obligation to let your parents know that your serious roughly speaking it, and your medical insurance should pay for it if it is cause you other health problems. Its not considered a cosmetic surgery. I have mine done 1 yr ago, and I have no regrets. Good luck!! If your discomfited talk to your parents. Sit down near them at the table. NO distractions. Only you and your parents (or just your mom if that make you more comfortable) and tell her exactly what your premonition. If your in aching then they should want to aid. I have small boobs and I want bigger ones but not to the point where on earth I would be in niggle myself. Also another suggestion to prove more to your parents that you really want this is to offer to repay for some of it. Get a job and liberate as much as you can when you have the conversation you can prove to them beside money that you really want this.
i wish i have ur problem...
oh and dont even bothr with the pills..its adjectives scams to obtain money... i tried like 10 diff kind of pills to make m boobs bigger...still flat
and dont be feeling guilty...tell them its cause u health ptobs they ll twig

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