Is it serious?

i have be having posterior and stomach pains and symtoms like cystitus- affliction during and after sex, urgency to go to toilet when i hold only only been, and blood contained by my pee. i was given antibiotics but it didnt move about away. i went to see a gynocologist and they said its pelvic inflammatory disease and they are sending me for more test just contained by case its something similar to endometriosis. Also in my teens i kept have very discouraging stomach cramps fainting and stocky periods. i be taken to the hosp and they never found out what it was could this be associated near this?? is PID serious?

Answers:    These could still be possible symptoms of endometriosis, but another possibility for some of this is is issues with your bowel such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (an example only).
My sisters both have endometriosis and they had impossible period niggle. Pain during sex is a symptom of endo, make sure you follow up on test as the earlier its caught the better, hope for your sake its not that but both my sisters own had little operation to remove it and both seem fine very soon and they have both have babies! Let the doctor's finish their testing. PID is fundamentally painful (I've have it) but I was okay after finishing adjectives the medications given to me (and that cog wasn't pleasant either as the drugs be very strong - sulfa I think). But, it sounds approaching you have more going on than newly that. Blood in your urine isn't associated beside PID as far as I know, so make sure they are looking at your bladder as in good health. PID is serious but you are being looked after by professionals so follow their warning.

It doesn't sound anything resembling IBS as suggested by another reader since you haven't mentioned your bowels being artificial.

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