Start of pireod, over bleeding, what do i do??

Im 13 and i started my pireod on the 24/12/06. It was for 5 days. next 2 weeks later I started again for 5 days. and in a minute i have stareted again and it have been going for nearly 2 weeks and im really worried. its like amount of blood as the first day. I live contained by spain with my mum so i told her in the region of it but she told me i should go to the docters when i travel to visit my dad(he is contained by england). I am HIV posotive, I dont know weather that would have any item to do with it? Im anxious of going to the docter because he would have to check the viganal nouns, I wouldent even take my top rotten in front of the docter.
What do i do??

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I don't think the doctor would involve to check the vagina. You'd just requirement to explain you symptoms to him.

I do know that when you are young, your length can be a bit unpredictable and random. Sometimes it's longer or shorter or have more or less than 28 days contained by between. Your period become more regular and predictable as you get elder.

The only article bad more or less bleeding for two weeks is that it's going to make you really anemic (anemic is when you enjoy a lot of blood loss), which can bring in you very tired.

I hold no idea if the HIV is related to this. Definately see that doctor and don't verbs about the appointment so much. And you don't HAVE to see a mannish doctor, try to find a female one so you touch more comfortable.

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They may not own to do an internal.. Just explain your symptoms and they may be able to serve you!
Try phoning nhs helpline 08454647... not sure what the code is from spain though.. Good luck!

Pregnancy test sound out!?

You poor thing. Your mum should foot to take you to a feminine doctor in Spain and she should attend you for moral support. Don't be shy - It's just something we adjectives have to seize used to. If she won't take you later ring your dad for advice or speak to some fully developed females you may know and ask them to help.

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it can be average to have erratic period to start with but if you are worried i'd procure your mum to take you to a doctor ,when i first started mine i bled for 18 days and consequently nothing for 6 months after it was every other week for another 3 months!mine didn't settle down properly for 3 years,

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I started mine when i was 12 and they be so heavy to get going with i thought i be bleeding to death,but my doctor said its middle-of-the-road when you first start your period, but you could do near telling your mum that you would similar to her to take you to the doctor where on earth you live not your dad,is she really going to put you on a flight with a time from hell instead of taking you to the doctor herself!
You should show her these replies from your question because she should be looking after you and making you be aware of secure instead of you have to ask complete strangers for their advice.

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